If you have any issues about how I play Masamori, you are encouraged to raise them with me here. Of course, I very much welcome use of examples with your problem, so I can have a better idea of what to fix. If you have questions about why Masamori did something or why he did so in the way he did, those are also encouraged.
I want to be the best player I can, and to do right by both the character and all of you.
Anonymous commenting is on. As for the IP address issue, in spite of playing hackers, I have absolutely no idea of what to do with them, so you're quite safe.
If you feel the need to contact me privately, the best way is probably by e-mailing agreylady@gmail.com. You can also talk to me at my rl journal,
elspeth_vimes, or look for the elusive Elspeth Vimes on AIM.
For your reference:
DDD app 20 things about Masamori