Camp Fuck U Die: a Crack Multi-Fandom Text-based Online RPG
0. What is Camp Fuck U Die?
-How was it started?
-Why was it started?
-How has it continued?
I. Rules of the Game
-official rules
-unofficial rules
II. Population
III. Aspects of Game Play
-Getting in
-Humor vs. Serious
-Spin off RPGs: cryfuckuwolf (Wolf), campfuckwedid (L4 AU), etc.
-AUs: specifically related to sex
IV. Interactions
-Canon clustering
-Canon exclusions
-CFUD timewarps
-Week-long threads
V. Language/Visual communication
- Walling, unf, zrash, ackpppht
- Use of smilies, sparkles, ♥ marks
- Icons
- *actions* (aka [actions] or ::actions::)
- Text emphasis: stressing, emphasizing, muttering or whispering, YELLING!, REALLY YELLING!, didn't say that, but...
Out of Character:
I. -mun interactions
-IRC, AIM, gmail, MSN, etc.
-txting or phone calls
-Meet ups: phone posts, photographs, etc.
(-mun: derived from "human" as well as "mundane", the people behind the characters)
II. Time zones
-effects on canons and game play
-Work and school conflicts
III. Relationships
-terrestial (people known before Camp)
-character based (people met though Camp interactions)
-central players (... duh)
IV. Population
-male vs. female
-character played (ratio of M playing M to F playing M etc)
-age differences