So, let's go over what's been going on in my life since getting home:
1) Saw family! Excitingly enough, my father's basically set aside most of his afternoons to come hang out with my sister or me. So even though I can't go to his house, I'm still getting quality time with him. Meanwhile I've hung out with my sister a bit (Did a hookah for the first time, it was apple flavored. Nlt something I'll want to do often, but interesting.). And my mother an i haven't had a fight yet. Which is surprising, but nice. We have had many a cuddle and just been having some nice bonding. I'm happy that her medical issues are getting better. Richard continues to be nifty. The dogs are learning who's boss.
2) Watched Supernatural! I'm trying to watch all of Supernatural. One, because they're great examples of the Hunter mindset (though a far more informed and prepared one than us) and Two, Dean Winchester is HOT. So is Castiel, but I haven't gotten to him yet. Though I've begun to start saying, "You can do it,
Iron Woobie!" to the screen.
3) Started my health plan! So, one of the first things my mom did when I came home was give me a health book. Specifically one on a diet plan. Yes, I'm on a diet. It's a "Protein-Link diet" which means I'm not allowed to have more than 30 grams of carbs in a meal and I need a certain amount of protein with each serving of carbs. I'm supposed to not eat meals within 2-5 hours of each other, but other than that I can eat whenever. At first I was worried.
(I suggest reading the Konjac lines in a superhero voice)
Me: Shit! I eat high carb things all the time! What will I do? I want to eat the yummy pastas!
Konjac Noodles: Never fear!
Me: Who is that translucent noodle?
Konjac: It's me: Konjac noodles! Also known as jelly noodles!
Me: in Sukiyaki?
Konjac: Yep! Do you like Sukiyaki?
Me: I like it a bunch! But what does this have to do with anything?
Konjac: Did you know that I have 3grams of carbs to every 85grams of noodles? And only 3 calories? And the rest is just fiber and water?
Me:'re so filling...
Konjac: Dude, have you been hiding under a rock? I'm like a miracle of the dieting world. You can use me as replacement pasta! Look it up!
Me: (after researching on the internet) Holy shit! It's true! So I can just eat replacement things? But...people say you're all rubbery textured...
Konjac: Please...this coming from the person who loves to eat squid and octopus? You love this kind of texture.
So yeah. I'm going to try and keep to this diet. And as for exercise, I found out that the reason it used to make me nauseous and sick was because I was getting my heartrate over 160, while the optimum heart rate for losing weight is around 130 for me. So I've been doing 25 min of biking every other day (which is the amount most health professionals suggest for weight loss. No more, no less) and some weight training.
But oh no! What about all that water it says I have to drink! (64 ounces a day). At first, I despaired.
Teapot: *Smacks me on the head* You've been drinking two pots of tea on average a day. That's TWICE that amount.
Me:...Oh...never mind
That's pretty much it for me. What's up with you guys?