Settling In

Jun 04, 2010 18:21

Oof.  This was a long week.  I got to New York on Sunday (after another why-the-fuck-am-I-upright in the morning flight) and was busy setting up my air mattress and getting settled in during the afternoon.  I then took a much needed nap (and got a much needed fan for my room) and was then off to meet up with the New York LARP troupe (they call it a troupe, seemingly if we're in the real world we get to pretend that we're legitimate or some shit).  On the subway my roommate was kind enough to let me look at his LARP book.  Wait...LARP book?

Oh!  The book that the STs put together for the chronicle.  With quotes to get you in the mood and setting stuff and atmosphere stuff, yeah, I'm totally used to that...I'm not intimidated at all.  Actually, the people were really nice and I've made a character concept.  The ST seems very friendly and everyone was welcoming.  So that's good.  Though man, it is HARD coming up with good foci for my Mage.  OWoD mage is less rigid than NWoD and so I need to come up with very unique ideas.  It would help if I was good at drawing.  But sadly, not so much.

On other notes, I'm moved in!  Look!  An apartment.

Yeah, all that stuff?  Not mine (except that snazzy computer and brand new LARP book).  My roommate has good taste.

More stuff that isn't mine!  (Also, there is a puppy hiding underneath that table.)

Umm...I have food and spices in here?  And I made dinner here?  So some stuff is mine?  I bought us a new pot?

Well, at least this is mine!  Look at that lovely bed and other stuff!.  I also have an awesome dresser that's super snazzy.  (however, right now the room is full of boxes, so I'll give a better pic later...)
To distract you from lack of actual room pictures...


Yeah, that's Hiro.  Giving me his best, "Why the hell are you pointing a camera at me?" face.  He's a cutie.  Though the little fucker keeps running into my roommate's room and closing the door behind him while I'm supposed to be watching him.  However, now that we've gotten to know each other, he behaves better with me than with his owner sometimes.  I think it's because he knows I won't take shit from him.

Right now I'm just settling in and applying to more jobs in case I don't get picked for the Fragomen job (I'll know about that after next week).  How are all of you doing?

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