Fic: The Movement of Language (6)

Nov 02, 2012 21:54

Title: The Movement of Language
Characters/Pairings: USUK(/US), ensemble (mentioned SuFin, NethCan, Frain, very mild GerIta, AusHun, DenNor, Romano->Belgium and past SpUK)
Rating: T - mild language

Summary: In a hypothetical experiment, a student takes reactant A (one grumpy English teacher) and mixes it with reactant B (one enthusiastic Physics ( Read more... )

[fandom] hetalia, [fics], [fic] the movement of language

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Comments 3

anonymous November 3 2012, 03:53:08 UTC
omg- this was one of my favorite fills in the meme. I'm so glad you've de anoned and still updating it ;___;

amazing as always.


anonymous November 15 2012, 02:08:24 UTC
I love the way you write about how the two slowly fall in love, which is way more realistic than BAM! instant love 5ever.


stupathetically December 31 2013, 06:28:31 UTC
This fic is probably one of my top 3 all time favorite fics ever but I lost the title a ways back and it took me forever but I am SO GLAD I found it again. :')

Thanks for such an amaaaaaazing characterizations and story and everything!


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