Who fucking cares

Oct 24, 2006 01:51

Best way to cope with ridiculous circumstances and the world fucking you over....



The last thing I expected was a "seperation." It is also something you think that either parent would find to tell their kid. Hell would freeze over before my mother would ever suggest such a thing. He's a coward. She is as well. Though I don't know if I wouldn't have booted out his ass sooner if I were her. I expected her to fight. I expected him to cower. He did. Just...in the opposite direction. Divorce better not be in thier fucking agenda...I don't give a fuck how much of a bastard he is. That makes both of them not the people I always beleived them to be.

I long for a day when the drama in my life decides to take a backseat. My head isn't taking to all this without killing the sanity I have left. Asprin. Sleep. Asprin. Smoke. Sleep. Smoke some fucking more....

//End Private//

If your wondering now dear mother...yes, I am a smoke-a-holic. No, I don't plan to quit. Yes, my lungs will turn black. No, I don't give a damn right now.

And about this school's overactive imagination and retarded policies. Spirit week is a lame attempt for bored losers to make something of their life by enjoying watching the students parade around like idiots. I will not partake....

So I said. The bouncy, loud and annoying ex-roomate deems otherwise. Thanks to you asswipe I now get to done a wig, skirt and show off my legs. *Twitch*
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