AHhhhhh i've fallen and i can't get up. Bot really it actually seems we've all been getting really pissey at each other and all that but if we're gonna be pissed at someone let's just tell them why we're pissed and then maybe we cna all either go along with our hatred for the others (if that suits ya) or make up and be a happy group of people again
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Yeah somehow my COMPLETE buddy list just randomly deleted itself so all of y'all that have me as a friend and even those that don't but are my friends just reply with your screenames if it do ya fine.
ok here is the not so good soltion to all that is bad we just all get high and druk and we wont get as pissed about everything lo so yeah just gonna go away now.... no, not at all to go smoke and drink nope not at ALL!!!!
Ok this entire FUCKING week is all shit! God i try to do something logical and oh god i'm fucking things up so fucking annoying. I mean i was just trying to do something that didn't seem like it was much importance at all but apperantly Tyanna gets pissed at me for some weirdass fucking reason(which i don't even KNOW!) and now D.J. comes out
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Ok so i made the all nighter a fun thing for all. We had the whole fire alarm fiasco at first but i got that under control and i got chaperones on the doors and to go through the rooms all throughout the night. All in all i did a good job and everybody that helped did good too. Asides from that i feel like shit but at least i don't feel stressed
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Let's see, i'm trying to finish the book i'm reading so i can start the next in the series. I'm on book three, near the end, out of seven so this might be a year long series considering stephen king took 30 years to write them all
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