There was a vast proxy recently in the UK Forsaken game which saw people going to
Spurn Head to do all sorts of crazy things, i'm fairly pleased with the write-up and so, with permission, i pop it here...
Part 6; Under the Sea...under the Shadow
Deep under the sea, the weight of the water-in-shadow pressing down, the chill of the Hisil and the north sea enough to break spirit as well as body, the emotional deadness within the remains of the cage atop Breathstealers Citadel, any one would be enough to give a brave man pause, all of them together are enough to make the most hardened Uratha stop. Atop this the lack of air seems in some ways trivial…but a triviality that could kill.
At the offer of the dusky watery maidens Captain Richards smiles and leans in for a kiss, followed promptly by Ricky who approaches her Mermaid-sister. Both shudder as the remaining air within their lungs explodes out, but the shine in the eyes is more than enough to confirm to all within the cage that the promise of the lovely pair was true - their kiss does indeed grant them the ability to breath beneath the waves.
Sheena appears somewhat unhappy with this turn of events, looking disapproving even as she starts to struggle for air. Spotting her trouble Nicky moves over, making some sort of divers sign and removing the mouthpiece from his scuba gear he shares some of his precious air…with a smirk which is only shades from being dirty he then leans over to the nearer of the two undersea beauties and claims a kiss for himself.
As Richards turns back to the face the remaining razor-edged tendrils Flows-as-Lightening indicates above, receiving a nod from Xenophon he charges outside, batting one grasping tentacle aside and holding his hammer high he speeds upwards, coming close to the mighty Shark-shaped spirit which shadows the openings from the cage - seeming to scent the blood the mighty Storm Lord leaks into the water it follows, huge jaws snapping shut even as the Cahalith’s head breaks the water, he gulps down air then screams in pain as jagged and serrated teeth pull muscle from his leg. He alone can see the thick fog slowly approaching him, vague lights within almost looking like ghostly skulls or faces wracked in sorrow and pain.
As Gunny looks sideways, indicating with a nod of his head that its time to go Xenophon nods. With quick fingers he lifts the large copper chain, his fingers smoothing one link open as he uses the gift “Straighten”, the resulting foot of chain held lightly in his left hand. With his right he imperiously beckons to the dark shape, slowly taking the shape of a large man with a huge beard and enormous muscles, more a dark impression within the water than a true form. It doesn’t appear to notice, looking closer to the outside it sees or spots something within the water - and moves away at speed - heading east towards Hull - and away from the thing which moves ever so slowly through the water - bringing blackness to the dark waters.
Jim and Max appear back through the Bell, moving through and into the Shadow. As they arrive Xenophon signals that they’re leaving, Gunny moving through first, near desperate for air by this stage - his suspicion of the unknown, in this case the Mermaids, plain. Even so the delay causes the breath to burn in his lungs as he rushes towards the airtanks, sucking oxygen deep. Jim moves to where Lynch struggles to fight off tendrils whilst holding his rescued Mermaid, her sister silently offering him her kiss - an offer he lustfully accepts, Captain Richards and Nicky striving magnificently to hold them off, Ragna moves through next, making sure that there is nothing awaiting them on the other side.
As the posse starts to move through Jim and Max see something coming fast towards them, they leap to attack as Flows-like-Lightening smashes to the ground, bleeding from many wounds and with a great Shark-shaped spirit following close. Nicky and the Captain rush out, a pair of barbed harpoons jutting either side of the cluster of tiny eyes on either side of its head as Jim reaches the fallen Storm Lord, straining to pick him up as he delivers a warning “the mist comes, it comes for us”.
Suddenly and from nowhere the bulk of the Submarine/Shark spirit whose unlooked for aid has been so vital so far was able to help again - seizing the Jaggling of pain and violence which looks, in some way, like its twisted smaller brother, in its massive jaws and speeding off deeper into the Humber, away from the fogwall underwater.
With these words echoing ominously through the cage Nicky leans to give some more air to the Storm Lord from his now useless air tanks, Jim hurrying through as the pair from the Serene take the rearguard - the Mermaids heading through before them but not before Xenophon. Max waits till the last moment before exiting the Hisil, leaving the underwater group richer by two Mermaids, and having freed Old Man River…though his escape was made quickly.