There was a vast proxy recently in the UK Forsaken game which saw people going to
Spurn Head to do all sorts of crazy things, i'm fairly pleased with the write-up and so, with permission, i pop it here...
Part 8; Finishing Moves
Moving as quickly as they can the undersea posse start towards the surface, Rhodes coming from the surface and hurrying them as best he can - giving his aid to Jim in getting the hurt Flows-like-Lightening to where he can breath air once more. Once by one each of the Uratha makes it to the sweet salt air, Rhodes being first aboard the waiting launch as Jim passes the hurt Storm Lord to him. The aged Blood Talon Gunny is next aboard, follows by the two packmates from Edinburgh Ricky then Max. Jim and Xenophon crowd aboard then Ragna and Lynch. Finally the pair of Rahu from the Serene, Captain Richards and Nicky, join their Irraka packmate as he opens the engine and starts heading for the safety of the shore, away from the wall of mist which approaches. The two Mermaids, despite some obvious discomfort, strive to match the speed of the boat, succeeding surprisingly well.
Upon the beach Sorrow’s Rage calls out a warning as heads break the surface, readying herself to face as many as come for her Packmates and her allies - hefting a greataxe and preparing for deadly combat. Tate pulls out a pair of night-vision binoculars and scans the horizon, reporting that its friendly’s and returning to his post atop the dunes. Sorrow’s Rage doesn’t appear to lessen her vigilance though, her eyes moving to scan the pitch-black water all around. Lucas reaches the zenith of the Rite of Healing, calling and channelling the spiritual power within him to the three, MacGuyver, Janesca and Dermot, who surround him - those wounds of the body knit together instantly as the healing power of Mother Luna bathes them, but still MacGuyver and Janesca struggle for breath. Wraith looks up and warns of a need for real medical equipment to keep them going.
Shortly after the boat starts its way towards the dubious safety of the beach its clear that all is not well. First Captain Richards, then Ricky, Jim, Nicky and Lynch start to gasp for air, struggling to try to draw in oxygen. Richards eyes open slightly as whispered folklore of Mermaids suddenly makes horrid sense to him and he plunges his head beneath the waves. As he returns to the air, a fresh trickle of blood from the tip of his nose where a sharp-toothed fish spirit attempted to tackle him, he warns all aboard that kissing the Mermaids has done more than allow them to breath beneath the waves, it has made them unable to breath air. Lynch looks glum at this, but unsurprised, Ragna momentarily amused whilst the irascible Ithaeur Xenophon merely asks “what else was expected?”
Still, through the simple method of a helmet and other containers filled with water, and with Rhodes unwilling to stop, the launch is beached, the two lovely Mermaids continuing their journey upstream and towards Grimsby and Hull - away from the menacing mist. With sufficient water to cover face and allow breaths to be taken each of the five is able to stand upon the shore and watch with dismay as the darkness threatens to overwhelm the small beacon of light on the hard and exposed coastline.
The closeness of the mist seems to unnerve Lucas who takes some shots into the darkness, moving and nearly gibbering with fear as he mutters some mantra or prayer in an assortment of languages, shifting up and down from Dalu to Hishu and back. Eventually Rhodes gathers him in his coat and takes him away from the water, away from sight of the fog. The others watch silently, those who can care for the sick tending to the two who do not breath.
Silent eyes, further up the beach, leave on silent paws, disturbing nothing but the air as they flee the Breathstealer.
Ricky and Xenophon gather the worse hurt amongst the Uratha together and start to perform a second Rite of Healing, many of those there refuse and prefer to watch the seas instead, Richard Rhodes accepts knowing how badly he is hurt, and Flows-like-Lightening has no real choice, though he moves under his own power now still his wounds are great.
Packmates watch with baited breath, Lone wolves with concern, all with a prayer to whichever powers might hear them unsaid but heartfelt still as the mist rolls slowly to the spit of land, growing thicker, with shapes, obscene and spooky and unformed, all within. A stream of blood from who can say what foul thing sprays from the cloud, a pint or more hurled by formless mist meters onto the land and striking Sorrow’s Rage who growls and shifts her stance. A strange hiss comes from within the cloud, mournful and hateful and full of a promise of pain - at that sibilant hiss Sorrow’s Rage loses control, as the rest of the posse seek to retain their own. She takes the Gauru form and flies towards the water - its only the quick thinking of Gunny, backed up with the awesome strength of her packmate Wraith, which holds her and allows Sheena to quietly talk to her till she calms, nodding her thanks.
Eventually it becomes clear that no matter how it wishes to the Breathstealer will not take on the land. When spirits, and a few moving bodies, are seen within the water seemingly attempting to move seawater to where the Uratha stand or sit - however a barrage of gunfire from the beach drive them off before they can gain too much for their foggy master.
Later, sharing food, the mist starts to go. Out at sea a helicopter belonging to the Coastguard can be seen “time to be going” mutters Captain Richards, ruing the lose of the launch and getting his crew into the other. As others start to leave, Wraith keeping a careful eye on MacGuyver at Max’ request, Dermot looks out to sea - the great Submarine/Shark spirit appears 100 feet from shore.
“A bargain was made, a bargain shall be kept. The cage of the castle of the force-thief was broken and the prisoner freed. This one did as it was asked. Now it is time for you to do the same. At the suns end this one hunts. Make me glad of a bargain made.” Dermot merely nods “anyone going to offer me a lift?” he quips as the spirit vanishes, below the waves and out of sight.
When you reach your vehicles, those left in the car park, you all can sense something wrong, there is a harsh scent that can only be the urine of another werewolf - someone has marked all of your vehicles! There is nothing mechanically or otherwise wrong which any of you can see. When Lynch gets to his van the drivers door is open and his daughter is missing - only to be found sleeping on the grassy sand dune a few meters away covered in a picnic blanket. A picnic blanket which he didn’t bring. She doesn’t seem to know how she got out, saying only “Mr Whiskers wanted to see the stars”. She doesn’t seem any the worse for wear.FATHER WOLF HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS.