Title: Touch
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: R
Prompt: #15 - Touch, from
1sentence Alpha theme set
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they do not belong to me. I'll send them back unharmed when I'm done. Pinky promise.
Notes: Drabble from a sentence prompt. It's all
ice_whisper's fault. No, really, it is...
It all started with a touch. That one touch of fingers when a pen was passed between them was enough to ignite a passion so intense, that neither George nor Alex could really understand what was happening. All they knew was that touching as of the good, and not long after, it took all the control they had to stop touching.
But when they met, all control disappeared, and there was touching and kissing and writhing and thrusting and friction and moans and litanies; swollen lips and bitten tongues...
And no-one wondered why they avoided each other like the plague.