Title: The man in the coat
shadowbyrdRating: PG
Fandom: Torchwood/Heroes
Prompt: Gen for
jantolutionWord Count: 381
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack's comfortable with morally grey.
When Andy woke up he found himself in a blue room, the Man in the Grey Coat standing over him. The man smiled.
“Hello, Andy.” he said pleasantly.
Andy tried to get up, found himself restrained by several belts. “Where the hell am I?”
“That’s not important right now.” the man in the coat informed him.
Andy narrowed his eyes and stretched out with his mind, trying to pick up on the other man’s thoughts. He screws his eyes shut and his head is shoved back by some force.
The man smiled. “Your powers are useless against me. What with my partner, over there.” He gestured to the end of Andy’s bed.
Andy looked to the end of the bed. There was a second man standing there in a crisp clean suit. The man from the bar. “You!” Andy strained up against the restraints. The man didn’t move. Andy turned to the man in the coat. “Who is he?”
“Him?” The man in the coat raised an eyebrow. “The Welshman doesn’t have a name. Can’t talk. Fortunately, I’ve been told I talk more than enough for the both of us.” As he spoke, the Welshman moved to join him at the head of the bed. The man in the grey coat jerked his head in the Welshman’s direction. “I call him Ianto. Suits him, doesn’t it?”
Andy gritted his teeth. “Why am I here?”
“Because you’re special.” the man in the coat said, somehow giving the word special a creepy ring. “Telepathy - that’s got to come in handy in your line of work, hasn’t it? Unfortunately for you, Ianto’s special too. Very fortunate for us, though. It’s very handy for our work here.”
He stepped back from Andy’s bed, pleasant airs falling away. “Go deep.” he said
“What are you talking about - what’s he - no, no!” Andy’s screams died away.
Jack smiled. “Another job well done.”
“I don’t see why I have to pretend to be mute.” said Ianto
“That’s because you’re sexy when you’re being all strong and silent.” Jack teased, tugging on Ianto’s tie.
Ianto rolled his eyes. “Time and place, Captain Harkness.” He said primly, straightening his tie.
“Of course. We still need to plant him.” said Jack, glancing across at Andy. “After which, same time, same place?”