Aug 05, 2007 03:47
Title: Watch your soul
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Lisa Cuddy/Robert Chase
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: I'll say G to R, just be safe. Nothing graphic.
A/N: Constructive criticism would be lovely - this is the first time I've written these two and I'm not sure of my characterisations.
Motion * It angers and upsets Lisa that in the minds of so many men she’d be found wanting (too old already) put to one side to make way for the likes of Cameron - she asked Chase once if he could choose whether he’d go for her; he’d looked stunned then laughed, waving a hand (no, of course not), but something about his tone and his eyes reminds her that he just like the rest of them, only younger.
Cool * Robert has developed a habit of “borrowing” Lisa’s hats when he needs to run errands; he complains loudly of the cold, adding with a smile if they happen to make him look good, that’s simply an unfortunate side-effect - Lisa says nothing, but rips off the awful green beanie he’s filched and jams a brown baker boy cap on him instead.
Young * One evening Chase remarks that if he were a woman and Cuddy a man the age gap wouldn’t matter as much and that little House voice in the corner of Lisa’s mind remarks with her aggressive disposition and angular features and Robert’s general effeminate air they’re halfway to being more socially acceptable already.
Last * When she asks Chase (hung over) if he remembers “doing anything” at last night’s fundraiser he just stares at her, confusion gradually giving way to horror - allowing Cuddy to at least take comfort in the fact that House was wrong and she wasn’t the last to know.
Wrong * Foreman catches Chase pretending not to watch House and Cuddy squabbling (he really can’t help himself - they’re practically flirting with each other in their back-to-front, fucked up way) and asks Chase if he’s jealous Cuddy’s putting the moves on his boyfriend, which only makes Chase wonder if he and Cuddy are that unlikely a couple.
Gentle * When he asks her out she agrees, mostly because she’s starving and dinner sounds wonderful, with every intent of letting him down gently (but not in a patronising way) only to wake up the morning after to his enquiry of whether she’d prefer eggs or pancakes.
One * It began one night when she was sat in one of the waiting areas - just taking the weight off her feet for a moment - and Chase wandered over, sprawling across another three chairs, and started telling her about a man he’d seen in the clinic the other, Diagnostics latest patient, House, Cameron…Cuddy mentioned a few of her worries (all fairly low key, things about the hospital that House probably already knew about), because it seemed the thing to do, and half an hour later they went their separate ways; him to deal with a crashing patient, her to have a “word” with House (who is, of course, as far way from the patient as possible).
Thousand * Bets are what make PPTH go around (or at east what keeps the lights on); today House has managed to win just over one thousand dollars from Wilson, Foreman, Cameron and his current patient - more staggering is his offer to take Lisa and Robert out to dinner; they accept in the end because, despite the inevitably awkward questions and the fact he’ll probably take them to a complete dive, they’re the reason he won so much money - it’s only fair they get to enjoy some of it.
King * Cuddy slaps down a royal flush before Chase’s disbelieving eyes and hanging jaw and leans back, smug and still mostly dressed (she cut her losses by stripping off her scarf, a necklace, a stocking at a time), gesturing for him to stand up and “drop those pants”.
Learn * Dr Cuddy is a great believer in feedback and while she’s taught Chase any number of things, if (when) she hands him a lighter or a pair of cuffs he can take her to school just as easily.
Blur * Chase isn’t sure where the week went, doesn’t really care; it’s Sunday, and Lisa’s got the day off, which calls for a nice, long lie-in.
Wait * They know House knows and he knows they know and continues to remain uncharacteristically quiet about the whole thing - unless he’s waiting for just the right (wrong) moment to bring it up; that’s very him.
Change * Strange little things have started to happen in House’s world; Chase came in smiling and has twice this morning out-cheerfulled Cameron, and Cuddy didn’t even acknowledge the day’s obligatory cleavage comments - it’s one of those days when two and two really shouldn’t make four.
Command * Whatever they are doing and however subtly, Cuddy is always in charge - it’s the way they like it.
Hold * They reach blindly for each others’ hands, because there are some things that cannot be done alone.
Need * “You can’t always get what you want” so Jagger keeps telling her - but he never suggests (maybe doesn’t know?) that sometimes getting what you need can be more fun.
Vision * In hindsight it probably wasn’t such a good idea to start an affair with his boss (boss’s boss, whatever), but it hasn’t gone to hell the way things do on “Grey’s Anatomy” (assuming he’s Meredith, not Christine); he’s not had the “we shouldn’t have slept with our bosses” talk with Cameron (primarily because she hasn’t actually slept with House, doesn’t know about him and Cuddy and thinking about it, they don’t like each other enough to have that conversation if she did) and he’s actually quite happy, as is Cuddy (Lisa?)…he really needs to stop watching that show.
Attention * Cuddy - as all doctors do - takes sick leave grudgingly, though it’s not without its perks; Chase waiting her on hand and foot, for instance.
Soul * Neither of them care for soul, but the radio remains tuned to the after-hours soul station, because bitching together is better than bickering over whose music they’re going to have on.
Picture * “Dr Cuddy, you’ll never guess what I found out last night - turns out my phone does have a camera, see?”
Fool * Chase has made sure to flirt with Cameron in House’s earshot, while Wilson (in on the act as part of some kind of lying experiment, apparently) has made certain remarks about Cuddy to him - hopefully throwing him off the trail for another day.
Mad * Upon finding out Cameron tells Chase he’s either stupid or crazy, before Foreman points out they already know he’s both (Chase is not amused, though he does smile when he mentions it to Lisa later).
Child * Chase loves Cuddy’s house (he keeps “accidentally” leaving things, moving in sock by innocent, mustard yellow sock), the only problem is that it’s so big and there’s only her living there when it’s clearly meant for a family with a kid or three tearing the place apart - he doesn’t say anything to her about it, though; she seems all too aware.
Now * There is a reason they don’t talk unless absolutely necessary (also the reason Chase admits to being scared of her and half-believes House about the photos in her drawer), but no-one seems to have noticed - which is kind of insulting, but means their secret’s safe.
Shadow * Those times Chase turns up with five o’clock shadow Cuddy promptly sends him to shave; if she wanted stubble burn the next morning she’d have hooked up with House.
Goodbye * The end is inevitable (it can’t last forever) but their relationship is far from doomed - if anything it allows them to kick back and relax; with no pressure to succeed (and the fact that no-one knows about them) they can just get on with enjoying themselves.
Hide * It is, Chase discovers, very difficult to hide from your girlfriend-but-not-really when she is not only your boss, but your boss’ boss.
Fortune * When House first hired Chase, Cuddy and Brenda made a bet (one of those “it’s all in good fun” ones that inspires the cut-throat competitive streak in people) - nearly three years and one very enjoyable weekend later, Cuddy calls on her to pay up.
Safe * They take the moments while they can, because they both know (too well) that it’s only a matter of time before something - a quick glance, a tilt of the head, an unprompted smile - tips House off.
Ghost * Even without the age gap (or House, or Wilson), their professional trappings - even outside the hospital - keep coming back to haunt them, a reminder that what they’ve got isn’t a normal and everyday as they like to think.
Book * The next day House comes in and smacks Chase around the back of the head with a copy of The Graduate - insulting people just isn’t as fun when they don’t understand you.
Eye * Chase finds it physically impossible to lie to Cuddy, she always somehow knows - however since they started sleeping together she’s been kind enough to inform him the fact he stops blinking for up to five minutes at a time arouses suspicion.
Never * When she starts with her “never say die” bit, James tries to side-step the lecture with a joke about borrowing her blonde Australian for the weekend (it’s not like they’re giving them away, after all), but she just quips he should go to the pound like everyone else.
Sing * After discovering Chase’s fondness for the song “Country Roads” Cuddy vows never get him drunk again.
Sudden * Around the hospital Chase finds himself hanging around with Wilson more; he’s not sure if this an unconscious effort on his part because of how much Lisa likes Wilson, or whether the older man is just keeping close to make good on those threats if things start to go to shit.
Stop * It’s been eight days, and everyone’s starting to panic and after double and triple checking Robert and Lisa hold each other tightly - House, of course chooses this exact moment to wake up, armed with a sarcastic remark (it’s not quite up to standard, but they’ll let it slide).
Time * “I’d love to know how the two of you managed to get from acknowledging each other just long enough to pass the time of the day to all the sex and whatever screwed-up relationship the two of you have now.”
Wash * Lisa has never found showering together even remotely sexy - she will admit, though that the extra pair of hands is convenient.
Torn * When Wilson finds out he plans to take them each aside (give her a “are you sure about this/what the hell are thinking” talk, threaten to tear his fingers off if this impacts negatively on her in any way), but when he’s talking to her he sees something (jealousy?) cross Chase’s face and decides provoking him would be much more fun.
History * Contrary to popular opinion Chase does actually like House; he just gets the feeling sometimes (Cameron jumping him, one eye on House, how he and Cuddy knew each other way back when) he’s second to him - a substitute people just have to make do with.
Power * The power’s out, but their plans - in which candles and bed sheets feature prominently - remain happily uninterrupted.
Bother * “House, it’s me - don’t get up I just wanted to - hold on, I’m on the phone - I just wanted to say I get the whole May-December, October thing…well, getting it you’d probably say, ha h - hey, cut that out I - oh - gotta go, ignore this, I’m drunk, seeyouMonday.”
God * She loves being able to make him gasp, squirm and cry out - in that respect she’s just like House; loves getting a reaction.
Wall * The glass wall thing takes a lot of getting used to - in particular the fact that you need only glance up to see what someone four rooms away is up to; it doesn’t change the fact that they’re four rooms away, but with so much in between there’s almost zero chance of getting caught - unless House happens to be standing behind you.
Naked * At first whenever Cuddy came into his office, House would make some crack about Chase being unavailable or too tired to service her (recycled snark, but nobody would ever know), but has had to stop; her comebacks were giving him entirely too much information.
Drive * Cuddy is one of those “gets what she wants” kind of women, and if she ever propositioned him Chase can’t imagine telling her “no” (not that he doesn’t have a hard time saying it anyway, but still).
Harm * Cameron would rather be with House and Chase would rather be with someone else (there’s this look he gets whenever Cuddy comes in to the conference room), but they’re happy keeping each other company - after all, what harm can it do?
Precious * She tells him just as he’s falling asleep; rather than sitting bolt upright as expected he tells her that the day he has to spread peanut butter on pancakes for her (which apparently holds “painful” memories) is the day he walks, and then rolls over and starts snoring quietly.
Huger * The sum of their culinary skills tonight amounts to some (microwaved) garlic bread and a curry which manages to be both raw and burnt at the same time - as Lisa points out, quite the accomplishment - but fortunately they’re both so hungry not a bite goes to waste (though the fact they’re both off with food poisoning on the same day could be what tips House off).
Believe * It is not a matter of believing in true love but, as they are trying to now, building it for themselves.
A/N: Yeah. Always knew here was a reason I don't write this fandom.
house fic,
house md,