From Twitter 06-13-2010

Jun 14, 2010 03:01

  • 19:34:21: Hrmm... The new Inkbunny site looks promising. Guess we'll see how it does....
  • 22:00:02: Spike HD: 1000 Ways to Die. Apparently fursuit yiff (later in the show) is one of them. On NOW. Comcast HD Ch 743 (or ch 45 non-HD).
  • 22:03:26: Update: Death by Fursuit Yiff- on shortly, just after the commercials.
  • 22:04:35: @ torrle Yup, looks like it, judging by the clips they've shown so far. XD
  • 22:09:35: Ooo, it involves shroomies, too. XD
  • 22:10:59: "A furry orgie is also known as a 'furpile.'" Thank you, Morningbear, whoever you are. Please die in a fire. kthxbye.
  • 22:22:56: Urf... Need eyebleach.... Not because fursuit yiff bothers me (because it honestly doesn't), but because the video and puns were just AWFUL.
  • 22:36:20: In case you missed it: I'll STFU about it now. XD
  • 23:43:38: @ MokaCoon Yup, that's it. XD

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