on a normal day where i don't wake up till noon anyway i get bored but i have been up since 8:15 because somebody thought it important to have some staff meeting at work at 9. yeah. so i am about to die of boredom. i think i might hit rocky horror tonight. it depends on how tired i am. went and saw the new batman last night. it was good but we were missing our other movie going person so it wasnt the same. i have work tonight at 5. i can think of a few things i would rather do instead. i turned on my tv today and they re-arranged my channels. i couldnt find my cartoons. last night my sister's ex boyfriend dropped off his 7 week old pitbull for the night so we could watch it while he did whatever it is he does. it is soo cute and now they are having to give it away because, put simply, my sisters most recent ex is a moron. so if anybody wants a 7 week old pitbull puppy there is one available. um heres a random survey of things i took from martino. hope everyone has a splendid day and love ya all. mwwwah! <3
1.Do you snore? nope
2.Are you a lover or a fighter? ideally i am a lover but everyone has thier limits
3.What's your worst fear? being completely abandoned and alone
4.As a kid, were you a lego-maniac? psh no i had linkin logs
5.What do you think of "reality" TV? i think there is nothing real about it
6.Do you chew on your straws? mhmm and then people stare and accuse me of being on Ecstasy. like i would be on X
7.Were you a cute baby? uhh no
8.Is the single life for you? no i hate it
9.What color is your keyboard? gray and navy
10. Do you sing in the shower? yup! ^_^
11. Have you ever bungee jumped? mm nope, havnt reached that point in my life where jumping off a bridge or cliff attached to a rubber band sounds like fun
12. Any secret talents? well if i told them then they wouldn't be secrets will they?
13. What's your ideal vacation? somewhere where it rains all the time
14. Is Jay Leno funny? never really watched him
15. Can you swim? mhmm and right now i kinda of want a pool
16. Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darco?" oh i love it so much
17. Do you give a damn about the ozone? sure. i dont want to burn and die
18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop? with or without teeth?
19. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? yeah but it takes a long time
20. Have you ever been on an airplane? mhmm. not my favorite thing in the world
21. Are you an only child? no
22. Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? manual
23. What's your stand on hunting? i'm against it personally.
24. Is marriage in your future? i really hope so. i dont think i can be alone forever
25.Do you like your handwriting? ha when your handwriting is described as "man-writing" and "chicken scratch" not really.
26. What are you allergic to? those white bushes that bloom all over the place and look like snow and my grandparent's dogs.
27. When was the last time you said "i love you"? i can't remember
28. Is Tupac still alive? hmm maybe
29.Do you cry at weddings? i don't cry
30.How do you like your eggs? um i havn't eaten eggs really since i bit down on a piece of shell. but i use to like them scrambled.
31.Are blonde's dumb? i dont really think your hair color determines your intelligence.
32. Where does the other sock end up? in an alternate universe, whos door lies within the dryer
33. What time is it? 12:42
34. Do you have a nickname? menji or ash
35. Is McDonalds disgusting? always
36.When was the last time you were in a car? today when i went to that stupid pointless meeting!
37. Baths or showers? depends on the quality of my day
38.Is Santa Clause real? sadly no.
39.Do you like to have your neck kissed? that i do
40. Are you afraid of the dark? no i find it peaceful
41. What are you addicted to? music, reading, cartoons
42.Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? creamy
43. Can you crack your neck? can't everyone?
44. Have u ever ridden in an ambulance? no but my sister did and they were charging us for it for a long time
45. How many times have u brushed your teeth today? 1
46.Is drug free the way to be? i need drugs to live, without them my lungs will close off and i will be unable to breath
47.Are you a heavy sleeper? very
48.What color are your eyes? blueish green
49.How loud do you sneeze? depends on how bad my allergies are
50.Do you like your life? *shrug*
51.Who's better: Stone Cold or The Rock? im sad i know what this question is asking
52. Are you phsycic? i rarely know whats going on so no
53. Have you read "Catcher in the Rye?" nope
54. Do you play any instruments? um guitar and piano
55.Have you ever stolen money? ....no
56. Can you snowboard? probably not because my sense of balance is poor
57. Do you like camping? i dont like bugs
58. Do you snort when you laugh? lol no
59. Do you believe in magic? yes
60.Are dogs man's best friend? i think any animal is your best friend if you develop a good relationship with him or her.
61.Do you believe in divorce? i believe that people can change and the way they feel about things can be changed and if you are un-happy with one another then you should be able to go your separate ways but i don't think it should be an opportunity where you try to get every penny you can out of your spouse.
62.Can you do the moonwalk? no thank god
63.Do you make a lot of mistakes? way too many
64.Is it cold outside today? it will be around 1 in the morning
65. What was the last thing you ate? a doughnut
66. Do you wear nail polish? sometimes but i don't have very steady hands so it takes a lot of effort to paint them
67.Have you ever been kissed? mhmm
68. What's the most annoying TV commercial? um there are a lot
69.Do you shop at american eagle? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
70. Whats your favorite song at the moment? oh what a long list that it. um im into the songs that reflect my moods but i dont really feel like sharing my actual mood so... i dunno.