Man, just. I know nobody's going to care but I have to at least say a few extremely belated things about Archie Sonic #235 since I just reread it again just now to ignore studying.
As much as I think Silver added a whole lot of possibly unintended hilarity with his ass getting kicked and deserving all of the straight up murderous rage he invoked in Sonic twice in a row...
Well, I mean, we have no idea what the hell Bunnie is going to do. IF we are to assume that one of the core Freedom Fighters IS a traitor of some kind, and IF we're ruling out Sally due to robotization, then I hope whatever she's planning on doing doesn't...end up making things go all wrong and end up being the "traitor", even unintentionally.
It might be nothing, but did anyone else notice that the bandages around Antoine's head and face, well...they wrap up the same eye Patch (Anti-Antoine) wears his eyepatch. I think it would be lolsob if he ended up needing one of his own, ESPECIALLY after the whole long con Patch did. Though I think if he were missing any body parts, we'd know about it. (I don't know what the ring does, medically, for someone, as it anyway doesn't work as well on people that aren't Sonic, and Bunnie refuses to use what was used on King Max for obvious reasons.)
I didn't notice it the first few times around until now, which is why I also decided, what the hell, I'll post this up anyway. But there's the implication that he might not come out of the coma (which, y'know, I caught that, obviously), but also there's the implication that if he does come out of it, he might have brain damage (the line of he might--with the stress on that word--understand how he was a hero). It's actually kind of chilling.
Because I really do want to know what they'll do with Ant. He can't stay in a coma forever, but it's hard to say how long they'll do this for. A few issues, at least? There will be a lot of 'splainin' to do when he comes to. But I did wonder a lot about injures (see previous comment about missing/mangled parts), the mental and the physical. I don't know if I'd really want him fully physically healed, to be honest. I mean, hell, Rotor's still got that thrown back. Not that I'd want him out of the game entirely, but I think it would be ironic if he had a "disability" that he might even use to his advantage or at least would be able to still be himself and useful with like Bunnie's (even though we're not talking on the same scale). But if he were to come out of it neurologically damanged, as might be the case given the clearly draumatic head injury, what then? If it's done well enough, I might well want to see where that leads us. Would he be able to still be a commander? Would he still be the same man Bunnie married?
I also find it both awesome and a little weird how much this event impacted everyone. I mean, look at the series; people have died or been close to death or been thought of as dead before. But I haven't followed the series like that, so. But it's also the fact that with everything else going on, this one more dramatic blow is crossing a line somewhere, one more straw making people start to fall apart. Even Sally isn't technically dead; we've shown time and again how roboticized people are still them buried inside and can be freed of it. (Sidenote: I'm sure we'll fix Sally eventually. She's too major a character to simply keep that way/eventually destroy. Like they wouldn't kill Antoine because he's a main character.)
But also one has to think of the panels from last issue (#234), comparing what we were shown and weighing it with what we didn't see. Sure, a lot of not seeing much of Antoine post-blast was to keep the suspense up about oh god is he dead is he dead is he going to die, but what if it's also a gory discrection shot? As I said, he at least has massive head trauma. And even though it's gotten wicked dark lately, this is still a kid's comic. (Why I'm so sure they won't kill off for real any of the core FF's that have been around from issue #0, okay.) We don't get shown blood in this comic. And Metal Sonic blew up in his face, literally. Everyone, even Bunnie, thought he was dead until Sonic noticed he was still barely breathing. Maybe his face did get seriously messed the hell up. Which is, perhaps, not something the gang has seen before, at least on one of their own.
A silly silly sidenote: I just love how Silver saying "Antoine will betray you" just--it must be not only the way the sentence, simple as it is, is particularly constructed, but also the use of the word 'betray', and I just get all the Judas vibes. I mean, it's hard to make a Jesus figure out of Sonic in the most Biblical sense, of course, and I won't even try, I'm just saying. I like that vibe. Even though he's wrong.
ANYWAY SO THAT'S THAT. And even though it's expensive and, if I take it bits at a time, will be a long journey, I still want to catch up at least to this issue specifically. Read it all. Get the trades and the backorders of previous years. And I want to RP Archie!Antoine someday instead of SatAM!Antoine. Yes. Goals.