Title: Darkside Betrayal
Pairing/Characters: Ganon's Puppet Zelda and man!Sheik
Rating: PG to M for death
Authors' Notes: YAY! more depressing crap... :T
Sheik did not make a noise as he tumbled to the ground. His eyes on the woman who he had once served. The dagger was still deep in his stomach before she kicked him to make him roll over. She knelled beside him and pulled his blade from his stomach, placing it back in the sheath on his thigh easily. He could taste the blood, eyes glazed from the pain. Zelda stood straight, golden eyes gleaming in the low light, her normally tanned skin was pale and marred with scars. Ganondorf was possessing her. He laughed quietly as his vision started to fade, blood staining his cowl from the simple action.
“Does it make you feel like a big man to use a woman's body to kill?” Sheik turned his head in time to miss the kick to the face, taking that last blow with a smile.
Title: Without a Thought
Pairing/Characters: Zelda(4swords)/Green
Rating:G to PG for a kiss
Authors' Notes: YAY! Non-depressing crap ... :T
Before he could think of anything else, Green found himself pulling Zelda into a hug. He felt so bad about the others and his father passing away that he didn’t think. “Link! Are you okay?” the girl whispered, feeling the wet warmth of tears on her shoulder. She worried about Hero a lot, now she found herself rubbing his back as he cried into her shoulder. “No, I’m tired of it… I can’t take it anymore.” He whimpered.
Without thinking, Zelda pulled Link away and kissed him on the lips. “It’s okay.”
Title: Unnamed
Pairing/Characters: Dark Link/Link
Rating: PG for two guys kissin'
Authors' Notes: Heh, music based stuff.
Dark smiled, leaning over his light counterpart. His eyes held an animalistic quality. “The moon’s awake, with eyes wide open.” Link laughed, leaning against the wall a little more. “Stop staring at me like that, you make me feel like your prey.” He wasn’t about to admit that he was having a good time in the arms of his shadow. “Oh help me, I’m holding a wolf in disguise.” The silver haired man teased. “What are you gonna do, come out of the closet on me?” Link laughed before kissing his darkness.
Title: Dark Shield
Pairing/Characters: Ganondorf/Zelda
Rating: PG for kisses
Authors' Notes: Yay! A pairing I don't like but the song fit!
Her head rested against the wall, she was sitting on the ground in front of her captor. “I don’t want to be the one who laughs the loudest.” She whispered; he kneeled down beside her. “Nothing can touch us.” His voice rumbled in his chest. “Why do I feel so good this sober?” Darkness is calling, he whispers to her so softly: “Come and play.” She laughed, touching his cheek with a tattered silk glove. “When it’s good, it’s good. Stop trying to find your self.” She whispered. “No pain inside, you’re my protection.” She pecked his nose and then kissed him on the lips. “How do we feel this good sober?”
Title: Love Hate
Pairing/Characters: Vaati/Link
Rating: PG for kisses
Authors' Notes: Why do I like this pairing so much...?
”I wanna thank you for making me feel like I am guilty.” Vaati leaned his head against Links’, eyes half lidded. “You were way out of line, how could I not smell your lie through the smoke of you reign?” the blonde wrapped his fingers with the mage’s hair. “You’re making it too easy for me to murder your sweet memory… Before I go, tell me, will you cry yourself to sleep over me?” he pecked Link on the forehead. “I’m severing the tie you have to my heart.” Hero closed his eyes, pulling Vaati down into a kiss before pulling away. “I told you so.” Blondie pushed the Minish male away, running as fast as he could.
Title: Odd Relations
Pairing/Characters: Linebeck/Female!Sheik
Rating: PG to M for kisses and grinding
Authors' Notes: My favorite crack pairing~
”Prison gates wont open up for up me; on these worn hands and knees I’m crawling. All I need is you.” Linebeck touched Sheik’s cheek. She shivered. “Teach me wrong from right and I’ll leave my broken life behind me.” The blonde Sheikah pressed up against the captain. “Show me what it’s like to be the last one standing, hurry please, I’m falling.” The brunette pulled down her cowl, their lips just millimeters apart. “I’ll show you what I can be.” He whispered before he kissed her gently, hands dragging her hips to his.