Responce to Mourning prompt ffrom cruellyhandsome.
Rating: PG
Warnings: slash relationship
Summary: Erik mourns
Type: Movieverse
Pairings: Magneto/Mystique Charles Xavier/Magneto
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Words; about 1,100
I needed to be alone. I needed to leave behind the crushing concrete and cold metal of the city. I felt trapped, entombed in memory, encased in air so thick that it was suffocating. So I came out here, where things do not change, where complications don't exist. Here it is so still, so peaceful, and yet, only miles away a storm is brewing; a war is coming. We have only to wait for the hatred and prejudice to overflow, and then it will be upon us. The peace here is an illusion, but one which I desperately need. I know it is weakness, but it is one I shall only indulge in once.
The trees are bare and desolate. An occasional orange leaf clings to the stripped branches, fluttering madly in the wind that scours the forest, bowing the trees and racing down the many paths that seem it exist, but may not after all. The place is sad and empty, but so too are my memories. The cold, gray sky echoes the solemnity of this brief lapse in control, for I have come to mourn. The memories are as clear as if their contents had just come to pass. In reality, it has been months or even years since their events came to pass.
[10 years earlier]
We stood before the school that we had built together, Charles and I. The grounds suggest a peacefulness. The air suggests a silence. For us, neither exists. We are screaming, yelling in our minds. Before, Charles's telepathy provided a rae intimacy; these past weeks, it has meant there is no sanctuary. It is a constant invasion of privacy, ripping from me my innermost thoughts.
"How can you know what those butchers did to me and tell me it isn't happening again? It's the same. There are the same signs, the same hate, the desperate need to destroy a race."
"But there is hope, there are people who will not let it come to pass a second time. Humanity has learned, and the genocide you claim is coming will not exist. There is good in humanity."
"What do plan to do if humanity fails, as it has throughout history? If history repeats itself? What then? When your hope has crumble into dust, will you believe even still? We have seen what happens when you ignore the signs. You have seen it. You have seen the holocaust in my nightmares and you dare to tell me that I am wrong to doubt your beloved homo sapiens? I trusted you with my soul, my fears, and you choose to believe in the essential good. You feel compassion for the very people who inflicted suffering upon a nation and who will do it again."
" Part of being homo superior is that we have to be better. Our insight comes at a price, Erik. Never forget that. Not everyone has our gifts, our vision. Can't you understand why they're afraid? They are afraid that they're going to die. They see mutation as Armegeddon, the collapse of society. They believe that the world is crumbling away. They are being left behind. Don't you see why they cling so tightly? They feel they are losing everything. They are their children are losing the one thing that could never be taken from them before, their humanity. They are sentient beings, and they are terrified of going outside. This is the start of a new age that not everyone can so easily accept. humanity deserves the chance, Erik. Let them have the opportunity to prove their worth."
"They had their chance; they failed me. And so have you. You have betrayed me, you who I trusted above all others. I don't understand you anymore. I can't live like this. I can't censor my mind. And I can't follow your dream. Goodbye, Charles."
I walked away that day. I couldn't bear it anymore. That day I lost everything.
[ 3 months earlier]
I walk away, and I know I am a coward. I have betrayed she whom I hold most dear. I left a broken little girl on the cold, steel floor of the government truck. But what use have we for a broken girl? She is no longer an asset, only a liability. One weak link, one exception will be our undoing. The woman I knew died before my eyes back there, fading into oblivion. She is dead, and there's nothing I can do. She's not coming back. She died a martyr. She died to save me. I knew the mutant; there is only a human. She has no place here. I cannot make the exception now; I am too old to change. All I have known for 10 years is that humans are useless and dangerous. We cannot afford to make sentimental mistakes. We cannot afford weaknesses; they serve only to be exploited. She is dead to me.
I walked away that day too. I couldn't see how blind I had become, how very lost I was.
[ 2 1/2 months earlier]
I stand there. I am responsible. His blood is on my hands. I'm the one who blamed him for her suffering. I should have known. I watched him disintegrate, and I did nothing to help him. What kind of monster have I become?
I have held so much inside for much too long. I have lost too much in too short a time. I have been so wrong; I've made so many mistakes. Why am I the one left alive? I lift my hand over a large, white stone, and it sinks into the earth, until its face is even with the ground. I put out my hand again and liquid metal wells up from the stone and forms in pools. They harden, forming an inscription:
Charles Xavier & Mystique
Died 2006
Beloved and lost too soon.
Realized too late.
I reach into my cloak and pull out the metal balls from my study. Under my careful control, they shift into a rose. Careful not to cut myself on the metal thorns or sharp petals, I place it on the stone. "I was so wrong, but it is done. I cannot change the past. Farewell, old friends." I turn away and walk back the way I have come. I reach the edge of the woods and fade into the city, another nameless, forgotten face among hundreds.