Don't let anyone get you down. You are doing a terrific job and achieving a dream. Don't even think about listening to anyone else or caring if they do/don't know more than you do.
As to the plateu - think about it as, you were doing so much more than you used to, think of how hard it was to start that and keep it going and how much your body didn't like you doing it at, that's normal for it. It's adjusted and is saying it needs more :) That's one hell of an achievement babe!
Comments 1
Don't let anyone get you down. You are doing a terrific job and achieving a dream. Don't even think about listening to anyone else or caring if they do/don't know more than you do.
As to the plateu - think about it as, you were doing so much more than you used to, think of how hard it was to start that and keep it going and how much your body didn't like you doing it at, that's normal for it. It's adjusted and is saying it needs more :) That's one hell of an achievement babe!
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