I feel like updating.
with some PICTURES!
This was...
...when Lauren, Bethany, Josh, Kirk, and Juan all came over.
Lauren and I had to lay in the back, on our way to Goodwill.
and....then did Kirk & Juan's make up.
First Kirk:
Then Juan:
They crack me up.
and this wasssssss,
with Andy and Lauren.
we saw some funny bumper stickers--
and then we all played around a bit-
and Lauren had issues getting up the slide.
Andy had to leave after a few hours or so, so I made friends with these two kids Alex [4] and Steven [7].
That's Alex, he's a cutie pie.
We played some game involving me, in the begining being a tiger, and Steven being a Hurricane [don't ask.] and then we all turned into Power Rangers, I was the yellow one, Steven was the blue one, Alex was red, and most of the time, Lauren was the monster we had to kill, because she wanted to go home a lot cause she was tired & all, so I made her stay anyway, haha.
Alex busted out some of his power ranger moves on Lauren.
we were all scrambling all over the jungle-gym trying to confuse the monster.
Lauren tried to whoop my ass, with one of her monster powers, but she failed terribly.
Alex was scurrying to get to the safe part of the jungle-gym with me.
more power ranger moves-ain't he a cute one?
Alex took her soul, as she died slowly behind him..
and she still slowly kept dying...
and kept dying....
and she finally died.
she awoke from the dead, and got Andy's glasses stuck in her hair in the process..
So I turned her to stone.
but then we made her soul pure and on the good guy's side, and Alex and I helped her become a master at her powers.
and happily ever after.
Alex & Steven's mom came up to me and asked me if I could babysit for them sometime, so I gave her my phone number, and Lauren gave her hers.
So I think soon I might be babysitting.
I miss my Sammy boy terribly, he had passover this weekend, so I'll hopefully get to see him this week sometime after school, and over the weekend.
We have Take Your Child to Work Day, this Thursday, an even day, and I'm going to Jupiter High School with my mother dear, so people need to tell me what lunch they have, ect, ect.