Title - Cheap Imitation Strawberries
Rating - PG
Parings - Claire/season2 boytoy, Claire/Nathan
Challenge -
heroes50, 35. Spirit
Originally Written - September 2, 2007
Spoilers/Warnings - Spoilers from the preview for Season 2, so if you haven't seen them, don't read.
Summary - He flirts and she coos; it doesn’t feel real.
Disclaimer - Not mine, I'm just borrowing the characters; they belong to NBC and Tim Kring.
He’s boyish and smiling, his touch is light, but when he smirks, it’s New York all over again and all the feelings she promised she would never have.
He flirts and she coos; it doesn’t feel real. Like the difference between strawberry flavored syrup and strawberries, she feels sick with one and heavenly with the other. But all it takes is a sideways smile to remember a burning gaze, repressed feelings and touches that lingered too long even for Italians.
One day after a particularly powerful smirk, she kisses him. It’s impulsive and reckless like nothing she does anymore, and when he kisses her back, she nearly chokes on the taste of ash and death because when she pulls back, it’s not his face he sees but his, smiling and laughing like he never will again.
He tries to walk her home, but she shrugs him off; it takes three days and on the final one, she calls her dad, and so when he tries to walk her home, her father stands at the car smiling benignly. He stays away then.
Two weeks later and the kiss with the ash and the choking still haunt her until her dreams are filled with nothing but words like “cheerleader” and “save the world” and kisses she never had.
She cannot figure out why he stalks her so until she’s leaving for school one day, and she opens the front door to revel a bearded and long haired hallucination.
He looks up, eyes bleary and worn, but recognition flares in the back. “Claire.” His voice is rough and gravelly and broken like she has never heard before; he looks and sounds so different than the Nathan she knows, he has to be real.
So, she kisses him, but the kiss doesn’t taste like ashes and death this time. This time, the kiss tastes like strawberries.
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