Fic Rec List: Tarsus IV

Jul 25, 2009 13:49

I am attempting to create the definitive list of Star Trek fics that deal with Tarsus IV, as I am a Tarsus junkie. I have TOS and Star Trek XI, gen and NC-17, kid!fic and flashbacks, and lots and lots of angst. (Please remember to read any warnings on the fic itself, as some are NC-17 and some deal with issues some readers don't want to read, and I usually won't mention these things on the list.) Any fic that even mentions Tarsus will be included on this list, and I'm making no comments about quality (though, really, most of these are completely awesome). Sometimes, simply putting these on the list may spoil part of the story, but that can't be helped. Please feel free to enjoy the list, and if you know of any fics I've missed, please please please send me the links.

Updates: From now on, updates and status changes will be marked in rotating colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink). When I get through them all, I'll get rid of the *updated* tag in the first color and use that same color for the new updates. Currently, the newest updates are in red, so the oldest updates are in orange and so on.

*Note* I want to thank everyone who takes the time to comment with new links for me to add to this list. When I began this project, there really weren't that many Tarsus fics out there. Star Trek might have been around for over forty years and yes, it was the very first fandom for "modern" fanfiction, but there really wasn't much of it compared to, say, Harry Potter, or even CSI. Since the 2009 movie came out, the number of fics has skyrocketed and I have to admit to not keeping up with them all, as I am currently into other fandoms. But even with other loves, my love for Tarsus fic has not diminished, Classic Trek or New, and I am overwhelmed at the amount of support my little hobby has gotten. Thank you all!!! And enjoy!!

6/25 Update: So, my plan is to start using more universe tags. I'm thinking TOS (based on canon), TOS AU (TOS-based but set in a different reality, making canon invalid), ST XI (takes place within the movie universe), and ST XI AU (based on the movie version of the characters, but changing things so the movie isn't valid). I'm also adding TOS Novel, for fics based on the published novels, since those are based on canon but aren't technically part of canon and aren't AUs either (ok, you can make a case for Killing Time being an AU novel, but still...) And of course, this plan ignores the fact that ST XI is technically a TOS AU itself. :D For any fic where it's ambiguous whther it's TOS or ST XI (and that goes to show great writing and great characters!), I went with whatever the author said the universe was. I'm still working slowly on updates (Father's Day is OVER!!!), so anything I add will have the new tags, but I'll take more time going through the older links and updating the tags (because I can't remember the universe for each one, though some are obvious). I'm coloring the new tags seafoam for now, so people know which ones have been updated. When they're all done, I'll remove the colors.

*And on a similar note, does anyone want pairing tags? I have a few out there already, but I didn't make a habit of it. I know some pairings are either a turn-off or a draw to some people. I was trying to let the fics stand on their own (and usually the warnings will mention them if you read the warnings, which you should ☺ ), but does anyone have an opinion?

   Brief mention=Tarsus (and/or Kirk's experience on the planet) is mentioned, but only in passing.
   Plot point=Kirk being on Tarsus is important to at least part of the story, but is not what the story is about.
   Focal plot point=The story revolves around Kirk's experience on Tarsus in one way or another.

*Some fics are about other characters than Kirk being on Tarsus. The key holds for them as well. :)

If you want these notes to be more detailed, let me know. Also, if you think I mislabeled a fic, please let me know.

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√π233/hy7 series Jim never takes up Pike's dare to do better, but then he solves a math problem in Spock's classroom. The answer is √π233/hy7. Some of the stories mention Tarsus, some don't. Plot point, ST XI, series is WIP, posted stories are Finished.

√π233/hy7 drabbles: The author also has a page of drabbles written by request. Again, some mention Tarsus, some don't.

*updated* 5 sex-related angsts Kirk discussed with his therapist, and the one he discussed with his lover: The title is the summary. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* 5 Times Jim Wasn't Ready: Five snapshots of times Jim wasn't ready, and the one he was. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Absolute Horizon: "The first five-year mission ended with the most successful Starfleet Bridge crew scattered to the winds. Was it fate? Was it a choice? Or was there a layer to this occurrence which an outside observer could not perceive?" Brief mention, TOS, Finished.

*Status update: The last link was inactive due to the story being removed from the archive, but I was able to find another link! Ad Astra Per Aspera: James Kirk has never told anyone about Tarsus IV. Focal plot point, TOS Novel, Finished.

And All the King's Men: When a training simulation uncovers something that Cadet Jim Kirk was never meant to remember, it breaks him. Leonard McCoy can't sit by and watch Jim crumble. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Alone in a Crowd: They are never truly alone in a starship. It just feels like they are sometimes. Plot point, Kirk/McCoy, ST XI, Finished.

Amantium irae, amoris integratio est: In the aftermath of arresting Kodos and Lenore, Jim and Spock's relationship changes. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Antithesis: Kirk is given an assignment he isn't sure he'll ever be able to finish. "What would you have done differently in the situation on Tarsus IV?" His childhood nightmare double-spaced in twelve-point font. Focal plot point, Kirk/Spock, ST XI AU, Finished.

Apollo Physician: How Kirk and McCoy met as part of a larger story fleshing out McCoy's pain/regret from Star Trek V. Brief mention, TOS, Finished.

Apples: Apples and madmen and doctors - the fates weave patterns in the fabric of the Universe. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Aridity: Kirk and Rand make a desert crossing. Plot point, TOS, Finished.

As Sparks Fly Upwards: A few months after the destruction of Vulcan, Captain Kirk accepts an unorthodox mission from Starfleet Intelligence that involves an incognito mission across the Neutral Zone to investigate rumors of kidnapped scientists. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Status update: This fic is now Finished. Atlas: A four part story, Tarsus doesn't really appear until the second part. "Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning." Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Attempt Series: James T. Kirk didn't have the best life growing up. In fact, he believed the universe wanted him gone. The Tarsus part is in Part 3. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Becoming Kirk: A prequel to Conscience of the King: Spock accompanies Kirk to Tarsus and helps him deal with memories. Focal plot ploint, TOS, Finished.

*updated* Beginnings and Blockades: Winona's a terrible mother. Now she wants her son's forgiveness, but will Jim's friends let her destroy him even further? Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Bedtime Stories: Because Jim misses bedtime stories and a life like this should not be real, but it is so he copes the only way he knows how. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Blue Eyes: Five Times Winona couldn't stand the sight of her son and the one time she wanted the moment to last forever. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Through the Eyes of a Son: Companion piece to Blue Eyes from Jim's POV. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Break: Kirk gets tortured. Definitely read the warning. Kirk/Gaila. Tarsus is important, but not really to the plot itself. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Breaking Points: When the Enterprise is asked to transport Vulcan colonists to their new home, Spock Prime comes with them. His presence changes everything - even the things Jim isn’t sure he wants to change. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Status update: Two new stories in the series but neither involve Tarsus (though if you squint in the McCoy one, you can see a bit). I added the series link but will only have story links for the Tarsus stories. Bright Lights series: The back stories for various characters in the Star Trek universe. Set in the Reboot universe, but draws from every series and movie.
     The Stars Go on Forever: Winona Kirk
     Run into the Bright Lights: Janice Rand
     Beneath the Gathering Cloud: Jim Kirk

Broadway and Seventh: The subways in New York are still running after over two centuries, and they're a tourist attraction in their own right these days. Sam Kirk just wants off them. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

But You Can Never Leave: Cadet Kirk is assigned to defend Kodos' actions in a class debate. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, WIP.

Captain's Log: Fathers and Sons: Kirk writes about his life in his personal journal. An attempt to reconcile TOS canon with the reboot. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Status change: I updated the link, it wasn't working, now it will. Still WIP though. Captain's Personal Log: "Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of the U.S.S. Enterprise-- as seen through the Captain's personal log." Brief mention, ST XI, WIP.

Collecting Fallout From the Blast: "Some day, you're going to tell me this story, right? I mean, with a name like Tiberius, there has to be a story." Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Common Knowledge: There are certain things about Jim Kirk that everyone knows. Everyone is wrong. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Constellation: Stars fall for Jim too. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Contact: Kirk, while stuck in Sickbay and bored, starts writing about his early years. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Dear Daddy series: The series starts out as a bunch of letters to and from Joanna McCoy and branches out from there. The Tarsus part starts in Dear Uncle Chris, but is more in Dear Daddy #3, as well as others down the line. Plot point, ST XI, series is WIP, posted stories are Finished.

*updated* Death I Think is No Parenthesis: How do Bones and Spock put Jim back together when he's been broken? Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Deeper Down: Jim opts to travel to New Chicago with Spock for Amanda's memorial service, never expecting to run straight into his own better-left-forgotten past. This is a sequel to One Wing which the author recommends you read first. However, the Tarsus content starts in this story. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

A Difference That Makes All the Difference: A bonding is longed for, offered... then refused. But why? Plot point, TOS, Finished.

Doctor My Eyes: When the captain is captured and comes back broken, it's up to the doctor to fix him. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Dropping the Ball: A Starfleet officer's reaction to Tarsus. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Everybody Dances with the Grim Reaper: Reaper is the man who built an Empire - The Terran Empire. Jim Kirk was going to help him rip it apart. Crossover with Doom. Plot point, ST XI AU, Finished.

*updated* Family: Family - a group of people living together and functioning as a single household. Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Family Matters: Lt. Spock is sent to the Vega Colony to recuperate from an injury sustained on Rigel 7. While there he helps a lady in distress and is befriended by her family. Plot point, TOS, Finished.

Father to the Man: Whilst travelling with his father, a teenaged Spock finds himself being diverted to Tarsus IV in the aftermath of the massacre. There
he meets an extremely interesting and unsettling human boy. Focal plot point, TOS AU, Finished.

First Glance: Sarek found a boy on Tarsus and takes him home. Focal plot point, ST XI AU, WIP.

Five Instances of Phrases Which Made Them Doubt: The five times Jim said something which made the crew suspicious, and the one time he didn't. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Five Loves: The five loves of Winona Kirk. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The Five Times Jim Tried to Hide an Emotional Response (and Failed), and The One Time He Didn’t.: Read the title. Brief mention, ST XI, WIP.

Four times Kirk tried to kill himself (and the one time he did): Exactly what the title says. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Fragments: A series of drabbles spanning from Kirk's early teenage years to the aftermath of the Narada. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Frail, Not Fragile: Some of the crew get stranded with no contact with the ship and Spock comes to a startling conclusion. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Futility: After a long struggle on Tarsus, Jim has finally reached the end. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Governed: They were at some interplanetary bazaar when Jim saw him. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Status update: There is now a podfic available. Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit: It really does take a village to raise a Jim. Plot point, ST XI, Finished. Podfic here.

*updated* Gravity: Jim Kirk is a planet unto himself, orbited by the debris of countless lives. Chapter 14 is where the Tarsus content lurks with a mention in chapter 19 as well. Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Greatness Thrust Upon Them: An upcoming series that so far only has a prequel and a side story, but will apparently heavily feature Tarsus. Plot point, ST XI, each story is Finished, the series is forthcoming.

Grimm Reaper: Doctor John Grimm has a fairly normal life. But his existence is complicated when he gets a mission to go to Tarsus IV with a brigade of Marines. Crossover with Doom. Plot point, ST XI AU, WIP?

Haven: Christopher Pike is on the crew of the ship that relieves Tarsus IV. He finds a young orphan Jim Kirk in a cell. Focal plot point, ST XI AU, WIP.

Hidden Memories: The bridge crew must relive old memories. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Surviving Tarsus IV: Inspired while writing Hidden Memories, it's exactly what the title says. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

History Lesson: Sulu learns about Kirk and Tarsus IV the hard way. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

How Well Do We Know You?: Five Times Jim Kirk Surprised His Crew With Something About Himself and One Time They Surprised Him. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

I Grieve With Thee: The loss of a loved one often draws those left behind together. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

In the Deep: Academy days: Jim walks in on something he shouldn't have. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Is There a Murderer Here? No. Yes, I Am.: In the Mirror Universe, killing the colonists wasn't Kodos' decision. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme AU, Finished.

Joyboy: A "how Kirk survived Tarsus" story, Spock and Kirk meet as young men. Focal plot point, TOS AU, Finished.

Just Between You and Me: Fifty secrets about Jim that Bones keeps as well. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Lambs to the Butcher: Jim's experience on Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Learning Home: A retired Kirk does something with his life that's for him alone. There's a prequel on the same site that does not mention Tarsus, but if you like this story, you'll probably like that one. Brief mention, TOS, Finished.

*updated* Lights Out: Sam was gone. So was Kevin's sister, Kathleen. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Like Father, Like Son: Jim Kirk is the son of Chris Pike and George Kirk, and Chris just found him--on Tarsus IV. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme AU, WIP.

Like Lightning: A teenage Jim gets a tattoo. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The List: Jim’s relationship with food has always been strenuous at best. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The Long Cold River: Jim. Food. The aftermath of Tarsus IV. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Love in Cold Blood: Kirk and McCoy get captured in a Klingon raid on the Enterprise and find themselves being used as slaves in a most terrifying way. Read the warnings! The link is to the fourth part which links back to parts 1-3. Brief mention, ST XI, WIP?

Status change: Link has been updated, still a WIP. Love Like Ghosts: Pike recruits a seriously messed up Kirk who keeps trying to seduce him. But Pike can hold out, especially since giving in will mess Kirk up even more, not to mention himself. Can't he? Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Love Story: Young Kirk meets young Spock. Brief mention, ST XI AU, Finished.

Lucky: Kirk knows he’s lucky. He escaped Tarsus IV. It will never be anything but a half-remembered dream for him. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Male Bonding: Jim Kirk puts a new spin on male bonding. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

A Marked Man: Five of Kirk's scars he didn't want to talk about, and the one time he told someone. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Marks: While in bed, Bones asks Jim about his scars. Plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Status change: Apparently, the author has no plans to finish this story, so I changed it to a Permanent WIP. Measuring Time: While on a deadly mission to Hellguard, Kirk and Spock philosophize about time, identity, prejudice and not least - love. Brief mention, ST XI, Permanent WIP.

Memory: The crew relives their nightmares and then discuss them. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Motivation: Winona Kirk makes a disturbing discovery. Plot point, TOS, Finished.

Mr. Sensitive: After an incident much like Tarsus IV, Kirk is emotionally compromised and Spock must get him to admit it. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Mulled Cider, Turkey, and Madeleines: Kirk and McCoy are stranded on a planet at Christmas-- McCoy's memories of Christmas are bittersweet. It turns out Kirk's are just bitter. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Need: Kirk knows a language Uhura doesn't. She has to find out why. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

A New Day: The first mission after the movie involves a colony world with a mysterious killer. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

No Compromises: There was nothing in what Pike had said to Jim that night that a hundred other people hadn't said, cursed, shouted, or sighed at him before. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

No Confidence: It's the sin of omission that bothers Jim more, and any further confession may be too late. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Keeping His Counsel: Sequel to No Confidence. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Nothing to Say: Not telling someone something doesn't make it a secret. That's Jim's story, and he's sticking to it. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Status change: This story is now Finished and I have now noted where the Tarsus arc appears. Observations: First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk. This fic is a giant epic. The Tarsus arc is in chapters 36-39 and is fairly self-contained, but there are mentions elsewhere as well. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies: "What kind of name is James for a girl?" Rather obviously, it's a "Kirk is female" fic. Plot point, ST XI AU, Finished.

Old Undead Japanese Yenta: There are ghosts on the Enterprise. This one was hard to classify. If you don't already know about Tarsus, you won't get the reference. Plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

*updated* One of a Kind: Three planets. All things rare and beautiful. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

On the Run: Uhura gradually discovers that Jim was at Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Pain Follows Me: In the aftermath of the Vulcan tragedy, Kirk talks about Tarsus to his lover. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

*updated* Paradise: Winona Kirk tries to deal with life after the death of her husband, doing her best to raise her children. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Part of the Process: Snapshots of life on the Enterprise. Part 13 and part 18 deal with Tarsus. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The Passing of Fire into Blood: After a diplomatic mission goes horribly, humiliatingly wrong, Jim learns something surprising about Spock. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Paying the Theft: Kirk has a sudden and harrowing reminder of his past and doesn’t take it well. McCoy decides to pick up the pieces. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Quench the Flames: Spock Prime decides to change Jim Kirk's fate. Please Read The Warnings!! Brief mention, ST XI AU, Finished.

Quirks: Bones wonders why he didn't see it before. Jim just wants to be left alone. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Status change: No longer Finished, the author has added to the story, so there are new chapters and more coming. Recognition: Kevin Riley recognizes his new captain. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Regrets: Winona Kirk hadn't given her youngest, Jim, more then a passing thought in about six or seven years... Until she starts getting calls from reporters wanting an interview with the mother of the hero who saved the Federation. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

I've Had a Few: Sequel to Regrets. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Return to Tarsus IV: Thanks to Starfleet orders, Kirk has to return to Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Reunited: When Kevin Riley is assigned to the Enterprise, Kirk starts spending all his time with the young man. Spock wants to know why. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Revenge or Justice: Kirk and McCoy have a conversation about Tarsus IV. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Status change: Link updated. Reverse Order: How Kirk and Pike related to each other at the Academy, with McCoy thrown in too. Note: in this, Jim was not the one to go to Tarsus. Brief mention, ST XI, WIP.

Secret Vulcan Mating Rituals: Everyone knows the story of how James T. Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru. But nobody except Kirk, McCoy, and Spock know the real story. (And for extra credit, spot the DW reference!) Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Shadows on the Soul: When an alien culture deages Kirk, what will the crew learn about him? Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* The Sky Was Beautiful: Kirk wasn't on Tarsus but remember that mind meld? Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Slings and Arrows: Five times Jim felt something other than fear in the face of death. Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Somebody Leave the Light On: Love is much too simple a word for how Winona feels about her little boy. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Spock Has Problems: Kirk is mentally attacked by a Vulcan in Pon Farr. To save his life, Spock bonds with him. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Spock's Code: Spock has had a problem since he was very little. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Strong Together: What also happened in New York 1930. Later chapters continue on the ship. Plot point, TOS, Finished.

Summer Camp: "Jimmy Kirk arrives on Tarsus IV in time for a planet- wide disaster. He and his companions must evade capture by Kodos' troops and free the colonists that have been condemned to death." Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Honor Code: Sequel to Summer Camp. Plot point, TOS, Finished.

Sundry Scandalous Rumours About Jim Kirk, One of Which is Actually True: Gossip is not the most reliable information source. There are actually two Tarsus references here, see if you can spot them both. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Supernova: "Once upon a time you compared his beauty to that of the sun," Nero whispered. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

Surviving: McCoy's the only survivor of an away mission and Kirk tries to help him deal with his reaction. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Survivors' Benefits: Winona Kirk fights for her family's "survivors' benefits" and reflects on all that Starfleet owes her. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Status change: This story is now Finished. Switch: The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Symptoms of Fatigue: Kirk has been awake for ninety-six hours. He's pushed past his limits and is about to collapse from exhaustion. They saved Earth, they destroyed the Narada. Now they just have to make it home. This straddles the line betwen brief mention and plot point, at least so far. Brief mention, ST XI, WIP.

*updated* Tactile Contact: Jim didn't let others comfort him. Plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Status change: As there is now more than one story in this series that mentions Tarsus, I am indexing it under the series name instead of the story name. Tangled Destinies: A series where a teenage Spock convinces his parents to move to Earth where he meets his best friend James Kirk, who happens to be 1/4 Betazoid. There is a very brief Tarsus mention in the second part, Taken, and what appears to be a small plot point in the fifth story, Affinity. ST XI AU, series is WIP, posted stories are Finished.

Tarsus 5: A short drabble where Tarsus IV inexplicably becomes Tarsus 5. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Tarsus IV: Kirk talks to Spock after Conscience of the King. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

*updated* Tarsus IV Working Title: The very beginnings of a fic where the Enterprise is sent to Tarsus. The author is taking ideas for a title. Focal plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Ten Things the Whole Crew of the Enterprise Knows About Jamie Kirk: (and one thing only Spock does). Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The Things You See and the Way You See Them: Five Times Someone Observed the Bond Between the Captain and his First Officer. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* This is Home: Captain Kirk is getting to know his crew. Too bad he keeps flashing back to Tarsus. Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

Through the Looking Glass: While contemplating the extermination of a million colonists on Deneva, Kirk compares his decision to the one Kodos made on Tarsus. Focal plot point, TOS, Finished.

Time Heals All?: The bridge crew experiences bad memories and have to talk about it. Plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Time's Divergence: What if Spock had come back in time to right after the Narada destroyed the Kelvin? What if he adopted Jim Kirk? Brief mention, ST XI AU, Finished.

A Time to Receive: One year after the V'ger mission Kirk and Spock return to Iowa for the holidays. Brief mention, TOS, Finished.

Tink: Chekov's a girl and was on Tarsus with Kirk. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme AU, Finished.

To Hear a Hand: James T. Kirk's birth is a medical impossibility. A horrible miracle. After all, genetic deafness was cured two centuries ago. Note: in this, it's not Jim who goes to Tarsus. Brief mention, ST XI AU, WIP.

Twice is Coincidence: Can Kirk and Spock save the Vulcan colony in time? Brief mention, ST XI, WIP.

Under an Atomic Sky: Chris Pike gets a very odd call from an old friend in the middle of the night, and his life is never the same. Plot point, ST XI AU, Finished.

Where Men Can't Walk: Sequel to Under an Atomic Sky. Brief mention, ST XI AU, Finished.

Under Orders: How Pike found out about Kirk's time on Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Unpack My Heart With Words: Jim and Hamlet. Jim in pentameter, Hamlet in free verse. Tarsis IV. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Unspoken: Because love isn't just about flowers, declarations, the L word or kisses. It can be loud, messy, undignified and damn painful sometimes. But that's okay. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Untitled: Six Times Kirk Didn't Talk About Tarsus and Two Times He Did. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Fallout: The sequel to above. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, WIP.

Untitled: Short crossover with Pete's Dragon. Plot point, ST XI kink meme AU, Finished.

Untitled: Short fic about Kirk getting a class assignment about Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Untitled: Short drabble about Kirk finding Kodos. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

Untitled: Spock and McCoy support Kirk after a difficult day. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Untitled: Short drabble: Sulu was also on Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

*updated* Untitled: If Jim was on Vulcan as a child, what changes? This is the second fic on the page, so scroll down. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Untitled: Ficlet of Kirk being deaged to when he was on Tarsus. Focal plot point, ST XI kink meme, Finished.

*updated* Untitled: The Enterprise comes across a planet where a situation similiar to Tarsus IV has taken place. Focal plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Vector Map: A (non-graphic) Kirk/McCoy look at the five year mission. Brief mention. ST XI, Finished. Podfic here.

Status change: Link updated. When We Were Young: He doesn't feel normal, and that's pretty okay-- maybe. Read the warnings! Plot point, ST XI, WIP.

While Lights Were Paling One by One: Four days ago Jim stopped eating and Leonard hasn't slept since. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Win and Jim: "Jim Kirk is a lot like his mom, except when he's not." And that's only the beginning. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

Winona Kirk's Regrets: A little look at what keeps Winona Kirk up at night. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: In some ways, she's been bracing herself for this call from the day Jimmy was born. Plot point, ST XI, Finished.

*updated* Your Hand in Mine: He's managed to keep Jim with him, until he can't. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

*updated You Will Have to Build from What Remains: It's only after they've had eight days of debriefing and ceremonies that they're allowed to rest and heal. It starts about four days later. Brief mention, ST XI, Finished.

*There is an LJ community for Tarsus IV fics here. Have fun with your fellow Tarsus fans!

*updated* And here is a community on

*updated* Fanart! Young Reboot Jim on Tarsus IV

Novels (in no particular order):

Star Trek Academy: Collision Course by William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Star Trek (also known as Star Trek 1) by James Blish; contains retelling of Conscience of the King, the episode that started it all

The Lost Years (The Lost Years Saga Book One) by J.M. Dillard

Avenger (Book Three of Star Trek: Odyssey) by William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Best Destiny by Diane Carey

Note: I know there's at least one I'm missing, maybe more, but I can't seem to find them. If anyone knows of any other novels that mention Tarsus, could you let me know? I'd love to read them again.

tarsus, star trek, fic recs, trek09

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