I got pissed off at Vipulan.
Here's his original post:
As I stated earlier, she likes "pro" people. Hence, brown pros are fine. However, she doesn't like brown people with mediocre ability. Although the course is aimed to enrich all players' abilities. Oliver, I believe Lu a lot more than you and am henceforth prompted to believe that Oliver does lip-sync.
Oliver, don't be ashamed, you're just like Ashley Simpson. A washed-up, useless, pathetic, ugly loser. It's not your fault that you're this way, just blame your parents' alcoholism.
Furthermore, Oliver, I don't know what the regular stream has done to you but "noob" is not a race. And also, I DO ask her for help. I've been to her 4 times this year after school and asked about theory, but she hasn't bothered to help. Do you know why? Because she's a racist fat bitch, who doesn't care about players who aren't as good as the rest. Well, fuck her. And fuck all those who side with that fucking old bitch.
Here's mine. =D
Vip, he was using "n00b" as a race becuse she isn't racist, o he was trying to sarcasitcally agree with you. Sarcasm. Get used to it. Also, the one black person -- Kim -- is okay at bassoon. She's not a pro, and she doesn't attest to being one. Guess how much Mrs. Houghton helps her? As much as she asks for it. Oliver's right, and I sincerely doubt that you ever went up to her for help with theory. If you did, tell us what she actually said, instead of "she hasn't bothered to help". If it's something like "I have to go get my children now", then you're an idiot anyways and should have gone back at lunch the next day.
Also, though I somehow doubt that Vip believes me any more than Oliver, I can vouch for Oliver: he doesn't lip-synch. I sat next to him for most of this year, so I heard him singing.
And, uh, what exactly is the point of the paragraph about Ashley Simpson? It's just a random insult... not a great thing to have in the middle of an argument.
... And Vip, don't be an idiot. The regular stream has done nothing to Olvier; the gifted stream has done something to you. Gifted means fuck-all in reality. It means, more than anything else, that we are creative and we have a higher capacity to learn. It does not, contrary to popular belief, necessarily mean that we are smarter than others, or that we're superior - we have a genetic abnormality. Oh, you don't like thinking of it that way? How about a mutation. No? Well, too bad -- that's pretty much all it is. As Mr. Gorman told us countless times -- probably sick and tired of how elitist gifties can be -- it's not a measurement of how smart we are, it's a measurement of our potential.
There has been a controversy surrounding the gifted program lately, for this very reason. Socially, the gifties are completely backwards due to our stagnation in the gifted program, ith the samefriends for years and years, same classmates all through school. Especially grade 9. I'm sure many of you heard me say how stupid you all were for not making very many new friends -- who weren't new gifties -- in grade 9. The first year of high school is about making new friends. Especially grade 9; the stuff you learn then is half review and the courses you take often have nothing to do with your future courses and careers. But most of you stayed in your own little group of friends; there were some who joined clubs and actually talked to reggies [which is why Oliver is on this forum], but people who did that are the exception, not the norm.
Back to the original idiocy. Vipulan, there's a reason that the fucking regular program is called the fucking regular program, you idiot piece of shit. It's the fucking regular program -- the same that is in all the fucking schools in Toronto. There's nothing wrong with it; the curriculum is exactly the fucking same as the gifted program. Whether or not you're gifted or not has no bearing what-so-fucking-ever on your University application - I asked the guide during the Haunted Walk atQueen's, who also works in the applications department. So if there's something fucking wrong with the fucking regular program, then obviously the Universities don't see anything wrong.
Also, just look at the fucking word! REGULAR! You have a fucking brain in your head -- which as far as you're concerned, is above and beyond the regular program -- so use it once in a while, okay?