(no subject)

Dec 09, 2008 16:18

From drusillas_rain:

Drabble it forward: Make a post inviting people to request drabbles in the fandoms you write; any number of commenters you can handle. But the catch is, once someone makes a request, they also have to post the meme, and drabble it forward.

For those of you who aren't aware, a drabble is like a piece of fanfiction, but much shorter.

Everyone who requests a drabble from me before January 1st, will receive their drabble before January 19th (unless I contact you and tell you that yours turned into a monstrously long fanfic, which I reserve the right to do and take my sweet time writing proper).


- Harry Potter
- Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel: the Series
- Stargate: SG-1 (No Atlantis, I'm not far enough along)
- Alanna: Song of the Lioness Quartet
- Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (go ahead, mtfierce laugh, you know you want to)
- X-men (Pre 2000, assume nothing of my knowledge post-baby girl)
- Elfquest
- Firefly
- Anything else you may inquire as to the possibility of, but be prepared with a backup in the above listed in case I feel either unconfident or unknowledgable.

Leave a character and/or pairing (though I prefer pairings) and one-word prompt. I make no guarantees on naughtiness or lack thereof, what your characters do in my head is between them, me and everyone on LJ. {smirks}

I am doing this in honor of the fabulous time I had sitting and drabbling with her at Prophecy in Canada. And, maybe I'll get some writing juices flowing.


-Draconis Leona-
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