Sep 01, 2010 18:47
I'd love to see someone make a community post with a disclaimer like this:
[brown-eyed people KEEP your comments CLEAN. If you don't I will delete your comment,give you a warning and if it is still a problem I will remove you from the community. blue-eyed people... ;] no worries on what you say. hehe]
Aug 14, 2010 22:45
hmm, for some reason, some of the posts made by people on my Friends List aren't showing up on my Friends Page. it is rather inconvenient and I don't know what it is happening.
Aug 14, 2010 20:32
I think "Cleft of Venus" would be an excellent name for a chick band.
"Interlabial sulci" also sounds cool, but is too scientific to be a band name.
There is, however, an indie band on Myspace called "Hart's Line", but it's not a chick band.
Jul 31, 2010 02:10
I don't really watch much of the latenight cable type softcore "skinimax". But the other night there was some sort of SuicideGirls special on one of the stations, so I watched it.
I find it kind of funny how certain things seem to be "okay" to show in that genre (as much tits and ass as possible), but absolutely no genitalia. amusing.
Apr 25, 2010 12:58
I once knew a lady that could literally park a volkswagon in her "garage".....
j/k ;op
Apr 07, 2010 18:18
chocolate is tasty and all.
but I have to admit that the notion of "playing" with chocolate isn't all that appealing to me.
whipped cream is alright, but seeing brown smudges all around a person's nether regions just reminds me too much of a non-chocolate substance, and that's just gross. haha.
Feb 26, 2010 16:35
I wonder...
does mermaid coochie smell fishy?
Feb 06, 2010 16:14
Is latex or bodypaint considered "naked"?
Sports Illustrated would indicate no to that, as they show their models covered by nothing but bodypaint (but if they were naked and not covered up, obviously they couldn't show it).
Not that I care either way. I'm just curious what people's opinions on the matter were.