The Great List o' Stuff To Do Before 5pm
- Write and post response paper for Realism on WebCT.
- 2 Pages on two lines of any poem from handout for Lit. Analysis/Critical Theory.
- Read p.121-146 in Critical Terms for Literary Study for Lit Analysis.
- One page on either economic or psychological analysis of Dickinson's poem 1624, also for Lit. Analysis.
- Read p.132-178 in mega-packet for Early African American Authors.
- Read the 3 manuscripts for Tim's class.
- Skim Ch. 3 for Sociology for Morons. [gag. puke.]
- Finish reading the last few fiction submissions for Folio and look over everything to double check. Maybe even figure out exactly what I want in the magazine.
- Some of the mounds of laundry...
To do if time:
- Throw together 2-page first draft of essay on Blake for Romantic Poetry.
- Read Tuesday's assignments for Sexuality & Ethics.
Gah. All I really want to do is go back to bed with Brave New World or a fun movie on my laptop, not all this nose to the grindstone business. Oh how it would be nice to have so little to do today that I could pretend I was interested in the Superbowl.
In other news, I have oreos but no milk. The world is a cruel, cruel place.
EDIT: Also, I just finished getting
Drunken Master 2. The perfect level of silliness... damn you homework, damn you!
EDIT2: Holy productive day... If I get back early enough from our Folio meeting tonight I might even start on the "if I have time" section. Laundry, however, is a no go. Damn laundry.