That RP meme:
1. Where and when did you start RPing?
I imagine if I were nit picky it would have been in my best friend's room around the time when I was 8. But then, if we're to go by the actual terms, that would be around 1994-5. We played AD&D with quite a bunch of my friend.
2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
Tabletop at the summerhouse mostly.
3. Do you play in any public games?
I don't think I do play in any public games. Weird enough. Not atm.
4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
I dunno, they both have their own place and time and purposes. I like to see things to happen, and often enough my favorite scenes are the kind that are silent, so I suppose that would mean prose logs? But at the same time, some characters, some scenes, are really nice to play out through comments.
5. What was the first character you ever played?
Well, I can't really remember what we 'played' when we were kids. Haha. But LJ rp is interactive story writing more than anything else and that was what we did as kids. I remember quite a punch of original fantasy characters, not fantasy characters, can't really identify which one of them was the first. My first tabletop character was a mage in AD&D, that's all I remember about the character. No, wait... It was a half-dwarf thief in a game called 'The Stormbringer'. The first character I made with actual personality in mind was a witch called... I don't even remember, Sonya? Maybe.
As far as LJ rp goes my first character to rp was probably Aya (WK) or Atobe (PoT). In comms it would be Yukimura (PoT).
6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Oh man, I can't decide. Aya was long time my signature character, and I still love playing him. Though, I generally enjoy the character and absolutely love playing against him as well. Deidara is another one, who is a bit of a default muse. But this is something I could never pick, I really love playing a wide variety of different characters.
7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
In tabletop I suppose Marco is my longest living character and I've played him now since 2001, I think. In LJ rp, private rp characters have been there for years, can't really put a date on them. In comm, I think Landel's Aya still has the record, which was something like two years or something, IDK.
8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
Oh man, how to pick from all the many? I think it's mindlessness. As long as it's easy, everything is fine. How many times have you been asking someone ANYTHING and had an answer that goes something like 'LOL IDK' and that's it. You skim over details because you have no clue, you skim over stuff that your character would do if you'd play them in character because it's not something you can do, you skim over plots because they're too much trouble, you skim over CR because subtlety is not fun, you skim over facts and avoid realism just to get your pairing... The simple the better, as long as you can do your thing.
9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
Sometimes. Not very religiously. If I'm bored? It's mostly full of dramu and wank, so why bother?
10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
I dunno, they both have their own benefits. If the game is small, I prefer journal based because it's generally more convenient when I want to find something later, and it gives more variety in the stuff you can do in journals. But if the game is huge, I admit that I find adding new people constantly a fucking pain in the ass, not to mention listening to nit picky people moan how it's so horrible when you do not unfriend all when you quit or actually make the effort of unfriending all people who quit and baawwwww.
11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
Better writer. Hands down. Why? Because I think IC/OOC issue is a bit ridiculous when you don't go to the realm of Horribly OOC, but the question especially mentions that it's not terrible, and I find that all of us, everyone who plays, is a bit ooc. :] Haha. And I'm a writer, and get high on logs that are written well rather than stuff that is so god damn IC. I don't play to recreate canon, I play to create something new.
12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
Miribeeeeeee! ♥
13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
Not really. Except canonmates in my games.
14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
I don't really find it difficult. It's generally speaking annoying, all of it. The most annoying is the history section. There's usually a wiki to read if you wish to see my character's history. I've probably read it through few times, too.
15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
I tend to throw in some kind of image of the character in multifandom games to the userinfo, just for easy reference, and my own contact info. But that's as far as it really goes. I try to pick a layout that I like using if I'll be using the journal a lot. If I'm bored I might fiddle with the colors.
16. What was your first game?
As I mentioned before, with tabletop it was Stormbringer. With LJ rp it was... some PoT game. I think it might have been something like tenipuri_usa. I don't remember.
17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Not that I can think of...? I tag whatever catches my eye.
18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
Eh, can't really decide. Tabletop scene would have been during one of those rare finished campaigns, about half an hour before ending the game, my character died. Saving the day and all, but it remained as one of the highlights of memorable scenes. I could probably list quite a few from Amber as well. Marco has managed to get through a lot of shit in the past nine years. ahah.
LJ rp well... Private rp has had some really memorable moments from rewriting YGO as an epic saga of one very dysfunctional threesome, to KikyoRan moments of utter assholery/murderous insanity turned into sort of offbeat cute moments that are really subtle and lovely. Not to mention Ivory and all his epic stories, oh, and that one really lovely weiss rp with someone whose name I don't even remember but it was pure joy from the beginning to the bitter end. And Madara and Itachi, it's been quite lovely all the way through. *_*
The one thing that I remember the best from Damned is probably the riot in the cafeteria, because the Weiss interaction was just hilariously awkward.
The most memorable Luceti moment... is probably the personality change event between happy!Aya and friendly!Itachi (for the pure lulz) or that plot between Katou and Gojyo, which ended up with Katou killing this guy who he considered to be a friend, and him being one of the very few who never returned. The fight was actually one of the rare rp moments online that have managed to nauseate me a bit in perfectly good ways but it was pretty horrible for the character.
Amat, there is this one log that never got posted anywhere between Naruto and Deidara that sort of scores the highlight of the game. It was after the riot and Deidara killing quite a few of the natives who attacked the dojo. Naruto of course couldn't accept the fact that he could just like that, throw away lives like they were nothing, and Deidara being who he is. The contrast was lovely, and the log rather neatly portraying both of their personalities from snarls and growls and punches to quiet miscommunication and yet never backing down. Oh, and actually I quite like the second log between Itachi and Deidara, where Itachi is like 'touch me again and die'. XD haha. Well, they got over it. But it was fun.
I can't really choose a favorite moment with TBF, but I know that I've enjoyed every god damn thread with Sasori. I don't think there's any other character it feels so simply comfortable and natural to throw Deidara to than Bert's Sasori.
19. Do you RP sex?
Sure. Not that often, really, but sometimes when the story veers that way. It's probably surprising that I played Amat with five characters, and only three of them ever had sex threads, and only two more than once. I like to rp it if it serves some sort of purpose in the CR or the story.
20. Do you play more males or females?
Males. I find playing females difficult. Beats me.
21. What *won't* you RP?
Boring things. Utter crack, while paying no mind to characteristics. Massively oppressive stuff. Assbabies.
22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
23. Ever RPed a pairing?
I have. Quite a few times.
24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
I dunno. I don't care as long as I have nice people to play with. Public games are good for reaching out, museboxes for the relaxing times, private games for... well, we'll see about that.
25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Fucking fabulous. I love it. :] I love discussing details that are mutually acknowledged to be fully interpretation, just generally talking about the character and blah blah... I felt slightly nervous the first time Bert mentioned she played Deidara as well. But it was so easy eventually to talk with her about him. And Tans <3, I've always wanted to talk with someone else who plays Aya. And even if she has played him in a game where I first played him, I never really felt awkward. I think this must be weird because I'm usually the person who gets insecure and paranoid quicker than should be possible, but not with this. lol. Maybe if the person was somehow unapproachable or very unfamiliar?