How about a brief introduction for yourself?
Ang D. Quarter of a century old. Relentless gamer and character fiend. Current obsessions: Doctor Who (5th, mostly), Torchwood, Venture Brothers, Evil Dead, and A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?
I'm with Kara ... I was writing it before I knew there was a name for it. I wrote a piece of Darkwing fanfic for a class assignment in 4th grade ... after I got laughed away from the blackboard, I pretty much kept my fic to myself from then on, but you bet I still did it. My fics were freakin' epic. And by that I mean LONG.
I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
Lately I really like first-person trains of thought, or the sort of thing that just follows a character doing something you don't always see them do. Jack with insomnia. Lemony housecleaning under duress. I've got a fic hanging around my head of Rusty's train of thought after one of the times the boys bite it. That sort of thing.
Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
It depends. Sometimes I just sit down and bang something out in half an hour or so, and other times it's like water from a stone. I have to say, I'm getting better at action sequences than I used to be (writing Matrix fic helped a LOT with that), and I'm really, really, REALLY fond of banter.
Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.
Just one? AUGH. Okay. Have some Ash.
"Arright." Ash cleared his throat, rolled up his sleeves, hitched up his jeans, and glared. "Here's the deal, you scum-suckin' bastard. I've had about all the lip I can take from you, y'see? Just sittin' there blowin' air, doin' me absolutely no freakin' good. You can't even pick up after yourself like you're s'posed to. I try an' patch things up with you, but no. You just leave all our crap out there for the world to see, an' now you gotta sit there and give me lip? Whatta you got to say for yourself? HUH? HUH? ANSWER ME, YOU LITTLE SUCKER."
Later that evening, Quentin poked his head in the garage door. "Uhhh, Kid. Y'know I'm usually reeeeally good 'bout not askin', but ... you mind tellin' me why our vacuum cleaner's in BITS all over the front lawn?"
Are there any fanfiction clichés or trends you’re sick of or just can’t stand?
"Screw or die" fics. Jack Harkness/Jack Harkness slash. Rusty/Brock slash. And dear god, twincest.
Are you guilty of any fanfiction clichés you hate? Or any other ones?
Cliches I hate? I hope not. Gawd. Um. I'm totally a sucker for hurt/comfort. Always have been, always will be.
What was the first fandom you wrote for, and do you still like/participate in it?
Cartoon!Beetlejuice, and no. I still do movie!Beej chats with Al every now and then because Lydia-Beej banter rocks.
Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.
My main ones? Oh man.
Jack/Ianto. Because for once, canon got it right.
Jack/Ten. Because even though canon got it right, it could still have serious improvement. And because that Utopia scene rubbed me totally the wrong way.
Five/Ainley!Master. There, I said it, I feel better. Come on, what's not to love about dysfunctional love/hate relationships? Which brings us to:
Molotov/Brock. Come on. They're awesome.
Lemony/Beatrice. OTP. *SNIFF*
And others?
Seven & Ace. Nitro9 and tetchy, sulky Time Lords always go well together.
Perry & JD. Mentor in deniaaaaal!
Ash & Quentin. Hell yes, banter. Crack!games never led to anything better.
Logan & Hank. Also, for the banter. And because I loves mah Moose.
Fawkes & Hobbes. I will never slash these two, because they may as well be freakin' brothers, ok.
Egon & Venkman. I loves me some snark.
What would you call your writing “style”?
Eccentric and all over the place. It changes depending on what I've been reading, or what fandom it's for.
Do you read other people’s fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
Mostly I read stuff by people I know, and that's about it. I used to read more, but it tends to either make me paranoid that I don't know the characters well enough, or frustrated because the other writers DON'T. ;D I'm .... snobby sometimes.
Name one thing you’d LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
I'll get back to you on that, it might be a long list.
Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
Constructive criticism I can take. But people running up and going "OMG HOW DARE YOU DO THAT WITH SO AND SO"? No. Sorry. I respect your views of characters and don't go around flaming you and running you into the ground. I'd like the same.
When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?
Music, always. And I tend not to like having other people in the room, ESPECIALLY if they're nosy. Ugh, read over my shoulder and DIE.
What inspires you?
Anything from canon to something on the radio to IM chats to sitting in the airport waiting for a flight. Mmmm. Code Black arc. Good times.
Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?
It helps me stay in practice when I don't feel like I could write well enough to work on Aviario. I'll admit it, I don't put as much effort into my fic as I do my novels, because I'm never gonna try and have it all published. The muses don't mind. They know I love 'em anyway. ;D But dear god, after the Darkwing Alternaverse debaucle, I stay the hell away from organized fandom. They are scary scary people.
Tag some friends because they’ll hate you for it.
Em and Raq!