
Jan 29, 2006 17:01

Again, so as to not clutter your page,

I was wandering through my flist the other day and came across a post by the delightful 'CJ' (cocojava) talking about why she 'LJs'. And she said how she goes back to take a look at her posts from previous year(s) and reads where she was, what she planted/reaped/preserved/etc back then and how she was. This got me to thinking that yeah, there's a place for that for me too. So I guess I'm trying to get my act together and post a little more, treat this as a 'journal' (hey, there's a novel idea! Treat my 'LJ' as a journal! *g*). So, guess I will be posting a little more (or planning to) and orienting it now as my LJ, not as a pup-watching LJ etc etc yada yada as it has been and I've still tended to use it a little.

So as I've said on the front, if I've defriended your pup's LJ it's not because I don't still read it (well in most cases) it's because this isn't for that any more. If you have a personal LJ and want to have it friended etc then let me know, as I will be f-locking posts, and at times even clamping down on others, as my kids will be mentioned, and they are not for 'general consumption' as such.

So... onward!

Oh, and apologies now for any boredom incurred by reading my rambling. Think of it as my contribution to your slumber time!

ETA: If you have a mun/personal LJ that you'd like friended, instead of your pup ones, lemme know!
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