
Mar 16, 2006 04:34

i guess the Ides of March initiates end.

- last day of lectures. i'll get to Haney later. and apparently i missed the memo about review section for anthro not being today. would feel dumb e-mailing my TA.

- speaking of which, yesterday was the last section with Bill. i'm head over heels in love with him. i ran into him today. he was at a bus stop. digging around his bag for a lighter, cigarette in mouth. i wave. he says "hey denise!". i pass by. i look back at him. i look back again. and again. "I believe everything you say. Through your words, your body language, and your Semitic good looks" as Lisa Simpson said to her substitute teacher Mr. Bergstrom. yeah, he's a cute Jewish guy. didn't think he was cute at first, then one early lecture, from behind i see a kid with a sleeves-a-little-too-short track jacket, cute pumas (or were the adidas?) - thrift store chic. it then occured to me it was my TA. and that was it. he seemed kinda indie, but older indie. probably mid-late nineties indie, keeps to the halcyon days of emo - Fugazi, old Weezer. probably Pavement/Malkmus too. i was a stalker and looked him up on the antrho grad page. MA in religious studies at the University of Chicago. masters degrees are undoubtedly sexy. he thought i was funny. when he asked us if we know what rhetoric was, i blurted out "bullshitting" and he had a good laugh. made my day. yesterday, while everyone was filling out the evals, one girl said, "yeah, i totally have a TA crush on Bill." haha... it's not just any crush, it's a TA crush. "yeah, i do too," i said. forgot he was right outside the door. the door was ajar. on my eval i put "i really enjoyed sections, they were fun and engaging. and Bill is really cute." He'll know it's from me. after finals i'll probably never see him again. if only i didn't have a code ethics. if only i had my lighter.

- perhaps today was Grad Crush Day. before i ran into Bill, i passed by Sherrrrrrrrwin who was smoking outside Joe's, below Grad Student Commons. anyone who knows Sherwin will think i'm absolutely insane for thinking he's cute. he'd come to PHD and i'd think, "what a quirky, dorky guy. how cool." we struck up a conversation later and he told me about Sikolihiyang Pilipino (Association for Filipino Psychology). it was right there, at that moment, when he stole my heart. he practically went straight for the pants. apparently, when talking to Erin, he asked about me. that same day a few minutes later i met up with Erin and he was gone. lit grad + all black wardrobe + nicoteine addiction + uses polysyllabic words + weak social skills... oh my heart...

- last lecture with Haney. i loved Psych&Law. to talk about Haney would be a whole other entry. it was just his "closing argument" words that were... touching. i almost gave in when he started talking about fulfilling dreams (he was initially talking about legal reform). he's the best orator i've had the experience of being around. He's a big deal - he was a co-author to Zimbardo (who i met in high school) in the Stanford Prison Experiment. I'll genuinely miss him.
(wow. actually, my first grad student crush audited Psych&Law. his name was Steve, and he was a TA for Psych&Religion my 2nd year. swarthy, smoldering gaze, lovely large nose - he was more handsome in profile. liked theater and kung fu - uses styles similar to archetypes. what a Jungian. i was his when he was talking about his sloppy penmanship: "I'm Egyptian - you can tell by my heiroglyphics." i thought i'd never see him again. but last year he shared an office with Alexandra, who i researched assisted under. perhaps there's hope for Bill.)

- last days with the kitty. won't get into it yet, but it didn't take long for me to love him.

- didn't realize last week was the last time the Ladies would make their weekly Wednesday visitation. LOST is re-running from Season 1, and Project Runway finale was last week. i was looking forward to seeing them :(

- last words of this lj entry.
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