Review SPN: 9x14 Captives

Feb 26, 2014 07:45

That was a good one!

But let’s go through this plot thread by plot thread:

- Mom Tran and Kevin: I’m glad she’s alive! And badass as ever! I don’t think Kevin should let the Winchesters off the hook that easily, after all, his mother would have had a lot less to suffer if they’d gone searching for her sooner, and without their issues, Kevin wouldn’t be dead. But then, maybe death changes your perception. And oddly enough, the bittersweet ending really works for them.

- The souls: so, closing Heaven does affect human souls? Nasty! And finally proper incentive for the Winchesters to try and reopen it!

- Crowley and the Winchesters: I like that mixed relationship. They may have held each other captive, used each other, gone so far as to actively try to kill each other, but Dean still considers them allies. (And it’s interesting that Dean does so far more than Sam. The business with Cain seems to have led to some bonding, despite Crowley’s trickery?) Nothing better than a nice, uneasy frenemy chemistry.

- Cas: I’m still sad he’s apart from the boys, but at least we finally see what he’s up to. The character development wasn’t quite clear-cut, but I think that was intentional. We see all the old familiar directions Cas is torn between, and there is no clear resolution, because none is possible. He wants to go after Metatron, and his best chance for that would be using Bartholomew’s network, but he’s no longer willing to compromise to the degree necessary to work with the guy. He doesn’t want to kill any more angels, but if it’s him or someone else, and he’s out of other options, he’ll still run that someone clear through. He doesn’t think of himself as a leader and doesn’t want the responsibility, but he doesn’t turn his new followers away, either. He wants to be with Dean (implied, yes, but still pretty obvious), but then he wouldn’t get anything done, so he stays away.

- Dean and Sam: oh, ow! The only time they actually talk to each other is about the case, Sam’s ribbing about Dean’s voicemails to Crowley comes off less than good-natured (neither of them laughs, and Sam knows veeeery well where Dean’s sore spots are), and in the ending, Sam gives Dean the silent treatment. It’s obvious the boys are still at odds. And honestly? I’m glad about it. For a moment, I was worried they would use Kevin’s goodbye-speech as an excuse to sweep their conflict under the rug yet again. (Dean clearly expected it, too.) But I’m glad they didn’t. Time for some real development! Unfortunately, they’re just not there yet. Nice mirroring, too: Dean starts out listening to music and ends the episode that way, too. Implication: no progress. Additionally, it seems a reasonable assumption that the music is meant to drown out his thoughts (hey, at least he’s not drinking), lest he actually think about what Sam said. Sam blowing him off after Kevin’s speech seems a direct result of that: as long as no change is coming from Dean’s direction, Sam won’t negotiate further. Kevin and Dean both expect a return to the status quo, and for Sam that just won’t do. And while I do feel for Dean, I can’t say I blame him. Sam’s own wishes have been on the backburner too long.

- Subtext: subtle, but there. For Cas, we have Bartholomew’s question where he’d rather be, and the implied answer being, with the boys. For Dean, Sam’s jab is seemingly directed at Crowley, but whom do we know Dean leaves a lot more than just a couple voicemails for? That’s right, Cas, who we have no reason to believe Dean doesn’t still pray to constantly. If three unanswered voicemails is suspiciously close to “being into” someone, what does that make Dean’s years’ worth of unanswered prayers?

- Other: 1) Why does Dean have not only an iPod, but a hot pink iPod? Neither seems like him! Did his record-player break a needle, or something? Or hey, I’ll just assume it was a gift from Charlie when he mentioned he missed his walkman. 2) I still really hate Cas’s new outfit. 3) What was that Cas/Bartholomew hug? Professional, for a guy who had so much trouble hugging Sam recently… Keep your details consistent, writers!

fandom talk, spn, tv reviews

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