Title: Lightning
Rating: K
Prompt: Lightning
Auto looked up nervously from what he was doing at the first rumble of thunder, and Captain McCrea sighed. Here we go again . . .
It'd been a few months since the landing, and after making sure Auto wouldn't be a threat or able to launch the Axiom, he'd been reactivated to serve as an adviser. However, it was quickly discovered that the pilot didn't react well to seeing Earth's savage and unpredictable weather. The sandstorms made him nervous, but thunderstorms?
Lightning struck a trash tower close to the Axiom, and half a second later the resulting thunder roared by. There was an electronic cry of fear, and McCrea was nearly bowled over by one freaked out autopilot. The bridge and the Captain's quarters both had panoramic windows, so there was nowhere for Auto to hide. All he could do was cling to the Captain, shaking. Even with everything that happened, his core programming told him to go to the captain if he was in trouble, and his fear made him obey without question.
McCrea reached down and held Auto's claw. He knew he wasn't going to get him to calm down, so the least he could do was offer a little more security. The human thought it was strange at first that the pilot was so spooked by storms, but the more he thought about it the more it made sense. Auto was a being of order, and the storm outside was the very definition of chaos; with lightning striking randomly and alternating rain and hail pattering on the ship's windows.
"Don't worry, Auto, nothing out there's gonna hurt you," McCrea said, trying to sound comforting. Never in a million years had he ever thought he'd be trying to reassure Auto about anything, but he found he didn't mind it.
Bleh, probably out of character but this idea wouldn't leave me alone . . .