character quiz meme thing . . .

Apr 18, 2009 22:04

Well, here it is, but anyone outside of WERP probably won't give a crap, so under the cut it goes . . .

Doctor Reika Takamura (creator of the autopilots and all around mad scientist from WERP)
Rov-r (badass (well, in his own mind at least) canine security bot built by Reika)

1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?

Reika: I'm Dr. Reika Takamura, but you can just call me Reika like everyone else.
Rov-r: I should be telling you what my name stands for but damned if I remember what it is . . . just call me Rov-r.

2. Interesting... what's your current age?

Reika: 729 . . . oh please, don't look at me like that; immortality sucks.
Rov-r: Roughly 200 or so.

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?

Reika: Oooh, that's a tough one, especially since I have such a good chef here with me. Either sushi or shrimp tempura, I can't decide . . .
Rov-r: Unless the bolts I get as substitutes for dog treats count, I don't eat anything.

4. And your favorite drink?

Reika: Sake!
Rov-r: *points up* Bots don't eat, remember?

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?

Reika: Well, I sort of had a thing for Jean Arsene, but that was WELL before he went batshit crazy and reprogrammed poor Madam . . . yeah, it's a long story.
Rov-r: Uh, don't really have either . . .

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?

Reika: No and never will either, as he's dead and I'm the one who killed him . . . again, long story.
Rov-r: See above . . . man you have a bad memory!

7. Classic question! What's your favourite colour?

Reika: Black and white are nice colors, especially when used together, like on Rov-r here! Doesn't the contrast make him seem more elegant than he actually is?
Rov-r: Hey, I can be elegant if I want to be! I just don't want to. But yeah, I like yellow/gold, like my optics.

8. Who's your favourite author?

Reika: And finally another tough one . . . I'm partial to everyone from Sun Tzu to Issac Asimov, even though the latter was DEAD WRONG about robots. Steven Brust's stuff can be fun, though.
Rov-r: I like Rei Hiroe . . . yay for gunfire and explosions, and Revy's pretty hot for a human.

9. Now what's your biggest fear?

Reika: Something terrible happening to Auto and I can't save him from it . . . I-I can't lose him again, I just can't . . .
Rov-r: Hmm . . . probably failing to protect someone.

10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing*
Reika: *snarls and aims ion cannon* Temee!! You'd best shut up if you know what's good for you!
Rov-r: growls and bares fangs*

11. Awesome. Who's your hero?
Reika: Hmm, so many mad scientists, so little time . . . I'd say Washu Hakubi from Tenchi Muyo. Sure, I've more or less done some of the things she did via robotics instead of genetic engineering or whatever, but she's great for other reasons too.
Rov-r: Probably one of those old police dogs in the movies.

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
Reika: At the moment, Luc Rousseau.
Rov-r: Yeah, what she said, though Aida Arsene is a close second.

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?

Reika: Laugh. She wouldn't team up with him, she'd DISSECT him to see what makes him tick . . . she'd also want to see why he has to compensate so much. I mean, have you seen his warship? *laughs a bit*
Rov-r: I'd also laugh; we dogs can tell if someone's bad, so said police dog would use those two Heritage scumbags as chew toys!

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?

Reika: Ask her why she gave me this nanomachine fueled bad temper.
Rov-r: Ask her why I don't have opposable thumbs.

15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Reika: Well, I wanted to be a mad scientist when I grew up, I'd say mission accomplished.
Rov-r: Robots are made to do certain things, we don't grow up.

16. What's your worst nightmare?
Reika: *points to greatest fear* Losing Auto.
Rov-r: Uh, being in a place without chew toys? I dunno, I got nothing.

17. What's your lifelong dream?
Reika: For the Earth to be restored and for humanity and all my pilots to return there.
Rov-r: Yeah, I have to agree with Mom . . . if Earth the way it should be is anything like the Arboretum, that'll be awesome.

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
Reika: Well, I'd move down there and live in peace at the Axiom colony, of course! I'd even find some way to move Serenity down here.
Rov-r: Yeah, I'd go live on Earth too.

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?

Reika: The Arboretum, under the cherry blossoms.
Rov-r: I can relax anywhere, just give me an out of the way corner.

20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?

Reika: Trying to stop the Heritage, and plotting ways to bring everyone home.
Rov-r: Eh, I patrol around the Moonbase a lot . . . go along with Reika as backup on her Mars raids too.

21. We're done! Now tag whoever the hell you want.
And I am tagging no one, as steele tagged everyone else.
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