♪You say you want some resolution . . .

Jan 08, 2011 21:31

Well, as resolving this in chat seems to be not fucking working, we're trying this my way. I can still be your friend, Steele, but I will never play in another RP you run, and here's the reasons why.

Words. They mean things. Stop putting yours in my mouth.

The words 'I am done' appear in my last post to the comm. I do not do this sort of shit lightly, I am NOT like that stupid bitch Mojira who flounces on a whim and then comes crawling back. It was also not really a sudden decision, I'd been planning to quit for months. The twitter bullshit just ended up being the final push for me to actually do something about it. Only reason it took me so frigging long is because I have no intention of leaving my characters with anyone, not with the potential of people getting them wrong, or of ending up as playthings to the more Suetastic characters. Which brings me to my next point...

The 'I don't write Sues anymore' BS is really frelling annoying.

Are you aware that Madam IS a Sue? Oh no, she wasn't one to begin with, though I was iffy about the character concept at the start. However, slowly but surely, she turned from Woobie Destroyer of Worlds into a minor God Mode Sue. All of a sudden, nothing I had Auto (or Reika) try to do to her ever stuck, to the point where she was going out of character just to look better than him. Came to a point in that last argument they had; prior characterization pretty much said she should've tried to kill him there. But no, she somehow got to take the high ground, leaving me no recourse but to have Auto storm off. This would be the point where I REALLY started losing interest in the game, as there was NOTHING I could do to advance that subplot.

An Admin needs to actually be around to run their game.

So, you created the game, yay for you. However, you still have to be around to manage said game. Getting mods to help out was a good idea, but not when you up and disappear, leaving everything (except for the overall story, there was no way in hell we'd be able to pry THAT out of your hands) up to us. Or you'd randomly post something on dA but wouldn't show up in the actual chat at all that night. And so then it was up to me and poor Elfgirl to defuse the situation whenever the fuck Netbug set everybody else off, or whenever Julian or Frankincensy had their depression issues. We've been doing this since, oh, I don't know, fucking August at least? And meanwhile you had no clue as to what's really going on, as you only ever really showed up on the weekends, if that.

That's also the reason why I was so pissed the two times you decided to show up and attempt to enforce your authority. You were never here during the rough times, why should you have the right to boss everyone around after the fact?

An admin also needs to listen to her players.

Auto's protesting should've been a nice hint in the direction of 'Is going to the Big Bads' doorstep this soon really such a good idea?' And then there's the whole other RP you tried to get off the ground, not even asking what everyone else would like to play and just arbitrarily deciding 'Oh, we're doing Ghostbusters in Japan!' When I said I wasn't interested and then Elfgirl followed suit, you guilt tripped us. Not only did that annoy me, it also made me even less interested in the potential game. Your mods saying 'we don't want to rp Ghostbusters' is not them saying 'we'll rp Ghostbusters if you try hard enough to convince us' . . . yes, sometimes it can be a situation like that, but not all the time.

And bleh, I ran outta steam but those are more or less the major points of fail. This is at the point where I more or less had to get it out of my system in some way, otherwise I'd just keep dwelling on it.
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