*does Animal Crossing-styled happy dance* I finally paid off my car loan, yay! Not that I'm keeping the 200 bucks extra I'll have next month, that'll be probably going onto my student loan as it's lower than the credit card. If I hit that about three times with 300 bucks (the hundred I always put on it and the extra 200) I'll have it paid off too
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The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment18.28% You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.22.89% MemeSheepage28.07% Easily amused27.45% Original Content32.26% Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them38.07% Psychodrama Quotient21.69% Your
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Heh, have to post this before I forget it . . . so, Bugsy. His damn Scyther with U-turn was kicking my ass all over the place the other night, and so last night I tried again. I'd wiped the other two 'mon, and used a few of my others as meatshields between the Scyther and my Pidgey. Lightning the Flaafy managed to paralyze it before getting
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Ugh, who the HELL came up with that new redesign, and may I shoot them now? It's like they went out of their way to make shit unreadable . . . go forth and join the teeming masses crying They Changed It Now It Sucks on the forum if you hate it too, maybe they'll revert it if enough people complain.
1. Stop what you're doing. Print Screen. 2. Print screen your current desktop. 3. If you have Photoshop open, print screen. 4. If you have a music player open, print screen. 5. Pick a folder, open it, print screen.