There's a Blind Parapalegic Crossing the Street!....Let him learn the hard way..."

Nov 18, 2004 12:28

I like the makes me laugh. But it has no relation to my entry...well maybe...I mean, have you ever felt like you're just speeding into traffic and there are no breaks and noone is there to save you? me neither. Wow, that was really "Felicity". Anyfuck, things are ok. I'm feeling better since my last entry. Looking forward ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

dreamgrrrl79 November 19 2004, 16:58:05 UTC
Hey Dan I don't know if you remember me but It's Stacie Holding! I stumbled across your LJ through Lisa Heney. I added you so if you want add me back.


bahree December 3 2004, 23:29:39 UTC
hey bratface, add me!!!

ps...i heart joey potter!


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