So finally I've returned to my little lj. This is the longest I've ever managed to keep any sort of diary active, so it is best that I get back into the swing of things
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and meee! I could plan and fund a trip to Canadia far easier than to go to Australia again. and the western provinces are very pretty and warm in the summertime. Why sell so early? renting for 12 mos can eat up a lot of your savings.
p.s. Just be thankful it's a fairly ordinary Aussie flu, and not the one my darling shadow_5tails and *her* darling asagwe caught last week in South America!
If I were you I'd try and move in your work place and make things better, working your way toward long service leave, because by the time that rolls around you can do that to make your move serious to Canada. But a lot of people would consider that too long to wait, seventeen months and all. Two years, and up until that time the uni can be completed, your debts paid off, your savings directed to a goal. And definitely not good for the flu stuff. Still more positive energy going your way.
Comments 10
And definitely not good for the flu stuff. Still more positive energy going your way.
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