Title: Get that message home
schnupsipupsi Rating: G
Media used: GIMP 2 and bamboo drawing tablet
Warnings: none
"Get that message home"
(image alone) Title: Ambiguous words are surprisingly handy
schnupsipupsi Rating: G
Media used: GIMP 2 and bamboo drawing tablet
Warnings: none
"Ambiguous words are surprisingly handy"
(image alone) Notes/comments (for both): This is the very first time I've drawn anything like "fanart" and it feels a little funny to imagine that people will actually be looking at it... i'm both very excited about it and a bit ashamed -because I really don't like the background and everything is too sketchy and the two Remusses look totally different and why didn't I ever learn how to draw hands properly AND SO ON AND SO FORTH. But apart from all this, I'm really really looking forward to reading anything that anyone will write about it! Because that's so crazy!
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