Writers and Artists alike have come together to bring the Remus/Sirius fandom it's first ever Reverse Bang-like fest!
Artists - Feeling a bit out of the loop? Writers - Feeling too much fest responsibility? Let's swap!
Artists will create one original piece of art, then Writers claim one piece each and write a fic inspired by the art! This will be done in two waves. Art will be due on the 15th of August, and will be posted during the week of August 16th. Each piece of art will get it's own post. Once each piece has been posted, the Writer sign up post will be posted on August 29th and close on the 30th. Writers will be assigned art by lottery done by the mods**. Writers will be given until October 31st (HALLOWEEN SPOOKY!SCARY) to write. Starting from November 4th, fic will be posted, with links to original art. And, depending on how well this goes, we may have a lightning round where artist will sign up and produce another piece of art based on a fic from this fest. **Writers: when signing up, comments will be screened and if there is a piece you simply CANNOT write for, please let us know. That being said, this is life-or-death/goes-against-every-moral-fibre-I-possess kind of "CANNOT". We don't wanna hear it if it's because the piece has Remus & Sirius depicted as pirates. That can be worked around.
1. one piece of art only
2. no text (as in speech bubble or stories, signs in the background, etc. are okay)
3. Sign up by July 17th
1. Remus/Sirius pairing only
2. a 2000* word minimum, no maximum
3. Sign up by September 1st
4. All fics must be beta'd (if you need help finding one, please feel free to PM one of the mods!)
*we've lowered the minimum to 2000 so as to help include everyone!
Please respond to this post if you wish to participate or would like to see this happen - simply so we can get a rough idea of numbers. This is not official at this stage. :)
User Name: Country/City/State: Artist/Author/Audience: Suggestions: On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you for this fest?:
Then on the 11th of July we'll post the official sign ups!
Jul. 11th-17th:
Official Sign ups
Jul. 18th-Aug. 15th:
Artists work on art
Aug. 15th:
Final Art due
Aug. 16th-25th:
Post Art
Sep. 1st:
Sign-up deadline for Writers
Sep. 2nd:
Writers assigned their art
Sep. 2nd-Oct. 31st:
Writers write
Nov. 5:
Final Fic due
Nov. 7:
Fic posting starts
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*ETA: We have now lowered the minimum word count to 2000, as many of you expressed interest if the word count was lower. So 2000 words and up!