Title: Washed on the Shore of a Second Chance
mindabblesArt: "
Flirt" by
mypretty_artWord Count: 4,800
Rating: light R
Contains: *AU in which Sirius never makes it to Azkaban. Instead, he ends up in a different reality - where Remus never went to Hogwarts, so there wasn't someone on whom Peter could throw suspicion.*
Summary: Sometimes Remus catches him
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Comments 33
Also, Sirius looking at Remus fondly, and Remus saying, 'I remind you of someone' just makes me smile and cry a little bit. Oh, this! <3 <3
Thank you!!! I love this comment, because you mention everything I was hoping to do in this fic--the bittersweet, falling in love for the first time, but with a bit of heartbreak. Thank you so much!!
Sirius is wonderful in here, too. I'd love to read more from his POV, to see if he ever thinks about the Remus from his own universe, or even what happened to Sirius in that universe (if you know what I mean - like what happened to the Sirius from the world where James is alive?).
I love the subtlety of Sirius's reactions to this new Remus and how it's in the little things that I know as a reader that he's remembering the Remus from his past.
Overall, AMAZING!
THANK YOU! I am so glad you liked the switching POVs. Hee, it was fun to include Mr. Flourish. I like to give them some supportive older people. It would be fun to rewrite this, or a prequel or sequel from Sirius' POV. I imagine he does think about the Remus from his universe. Thank you!!!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am really happy you enjoying it. I am thrilled the set up worked for you--I've written alternate dimension/time fic a couple of times and am always concerned inserting something too confusing. I tried to keep this one fairly simple. Thank you. Hee, more? It would be fun to play with them more here. That you wanted more is the best thing ever. Thank you!
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