Title: Three Moons, Preserved.
ThesiriusmoonArt: "
Morning" by
Duskblue Word Count: 3,710
Rating: [PG-13]
Contains: *letters, The Prank, self harm (werewolf), snuggling*
Summary: Some things you never throw away, even after everything you think they meant is gone.
Notes/comments: This is not the fic I meant to write when I started. Honestly, I have no idea
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Comments 5
I love the epistolary format. I’ve a weakness for it, in general, but yours was particularly good. Lily’s letter was especially hilarious, but the back and forth thing between the James and Sirius at the beginning was brilliant, too. This bit made me laugh, too: Well, there is one Shepherdess, but she hasn’t exactly been throwing herself at me. I did say hello to her once, but my nose was covered in zinc at the time and I was wearing the hat you say makes me look like an old man. She was ( ... )
Don't know how I feel about Sirius breaking down and sobbing about leaving home, but it was nice to see Remus comforting Sirius for a change. :)
James' letter about Lily's reply had me chuckling - it seems such a James thing to get excited about - never mind the content, Lily replied! HAHA oh James.
But then we get the big heartbreak at the end as we know is coming from canon, *sigh*, lovely and funny piece.
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