I listened to these guys a bunch this weekend and remembered how brutal their lyrics are:
The Deafened Art Of Bleeding Secrets Automated On Deadlines
Clouds glaring back in tumid silence as the doomsday horns crucify our earth
Modern day pied piper missionary mosquitoes, spread their communicable disease
Leading a nation of zombie slaves, millennia old cultures raped into homogeny
Damned into the implied necessity of salvation’s serenity
Marching toward the cultivated oblivion of the Christian pipe dream
Inventing our own emergency brake messiahs to save ourselves from the bigoted hells we are creating
Paving the way for our lecherous evangelist middleman healers to market their acquisitive acts of god
A populace indoctrination of tainted purity for lucrative tithing,
For pre-paid pardons from molestation legalities
Mother Mary, filled with contradiction
Birther of lies, procreator of amoebic cultural demise,
Begat the false messiah of the spiritual whores
Cellists in the symphony of apocalyptic plagues disguised as salvation
Our destined manifestation sung by every cross poised to be burned to the ground
A timeless superstition folds as the smoke rolls toward the empty skies
A genuflection to end the Christ-bearing pestilence
Another wasted prayer to the omnisciently deafened heavens
With a resonating silence in reply
Pluck the seraph from the sky, smash their wings, watch them die
Asphyxiated with the stench of the verity silenced by the blood-soaked oppression or the gold-trimmed pages
By force filtering the habitual carcinogens you're killing me
You're killing us both
Another seven-minute future strangled in the present
Licking the porcelain doll’s ashtray lips that once seemed so pleasant
Until the putrid stench of smoldering lungs crept through her rotting teeth
The repugnant aftertaste of her cancerous gateway kiss
Drowning in emphesemic mucosal suffocation,
Her destructive glamour falls apart with each poisoned breath that incites
the onset of a voluntary degenerative disease
that compliments the glazed eyes of another one of her
unchaste amourette binge drinking episodes at the greek-lettered brothel
the perfected circumstances of every welcomed weekend date rape
included in the fine print of every invitation to this rohipnol manufacturer’s heaven
her lifeless body an effortless conquest of a bleach blond american dream’s defloration
tear her flesh with usurped consent
she’s left herself to the fraternity’s predator’s tonight
to sate their shallow desires for one salacious evening of empty romance
construing intoxication as a plausible exoneration from mynogymy
its only cheating if she remembers it
spawn the malignant scars that will go unavenged in aphony
the monsters will never leave her thoughts or her fantasies
every regret filled second in the name of social acceptance
multibillion dollar corporations marketing an addiction industry of legalized drug dealing
the reality of designer drug abuse
captivating volunteered economic slavery
weary fingers worked to the bone
as another cog continues to turn within this bleeding machine
opening eyes to another's century-old dying dreams
the stark realization of the unforeseen
torching the mass produced hives emancipates the enslaved
but will the scrambled convalescing worker drones be too content to fly away
exchanging the precious grains within the hour glass
for crimson fist-fulls of pastel verdine masonic greed
hypnotized by the capitalistic brainwashed desires,
prosthetic needs, rheumatic deformities
breeding an apathetic world who's occupant's conspire
betrayals gravitating towards meaningless successsion along the corporate chairs
force-fed images of suburbia's fairy tales
complete with the flawlessly narcissistic supermodel inhabitants
the preprogrammed suicidal inclinations
join the looming feelings of social inadequacy
accompanying the bulimic casualties
insatiable members of an improbable utopian culture
bent on torturing themselves merely for the false promises of perfection
alleviate the symptoms, never the cause
perpetuate the systems of suppression
absinthely forget the prescribed pain with the dispensed nerve deadening medication
willing participants of the misery will smilingly share their suffering
subjects of constraining submission to the exhausting drudgery
corporate apathy reaches acceptability as we are all strangled into wage slavery
vitality steadily marches its way to the gallows upon embracing this empty security for the ease of conformity
meanwhile the vampiric gears grind to autonomy as each drop of life is siphoned away one shift at a time
marvel at the intricacy of those few elating moments
woven into this decay strickened life
do these sporadic moments that make it all worth while equate the suffering
or are they over-shadowed by the melancholy
losing control of how i feel
these bleeding scars will never heal
remove the fragmented heart from its chest
will these salted cheeks subside, or will they regress
so tempting is the permanence of the solution
so intriguing is the artistry of the departure
is this the only way out, is this what you've longed for
dissect the veins, bleed out the lies, scalpeled wrists, exist this life
encompassed in sorrow, dripping hands begin to scrawl
sweet poetic beauty finger-painted on the walls
choose the words wisely, they will last a life time
can't pretend anymore that everything will be alright
already i feel so dead inside, wanting nothing more than to die
exact revenge on this world for turning its back on you
shudder in terror of what yuou feel compelled to do
is this what you longed for, is this the only way out
sweating palms clutching stainless steel
a final scream shrouded in darkness
one last cry for help as crimson stains the bath tub's walls
the pain excapes as the serrated knife falls
the eternal release encapsulates your irresistable devestation
could it have waited another day, another time, another place
would the desires still have burned the same
years from now will they remember
will their memories remain in death
or will they fade further away
years from now who will remember
years from now will they remember me
each heartbeat rhythmically slows to its last palpitation
quivering lips fall silent
pale flesh tainted to a bluish hue
the only life that remains lies in the streams of the dying words written by you
Hollywood gods birth an unrealistic perfection of tragic romance
To fuel a victimized culture’s obsession with love
Supplantations of forever concocted by vivid imaginations
Poisoning the minds of our future generations by instilling a false hope’s emergence
Cleaving reality, they condemn us to an addiction of co-dependent expectations
Whoring our morals away to emulate the adulterating images of the silver screen
Suffering through doppelganger soul mate heartaches
Worshipping the supposal of finding the one
This is the little lie that we tell ourselves to quench the insatiable thirst of our masochistic dreams of sweet morbidity
A prelude to the inevitably awaiting agony of the endless masquerade
Proliferated by the influence of cinematic lusting
As the dream-concealing curtains rise, the stars fade from our eyes, and on our tongues the word forever dies
Enacting Romeo and his decimating melodramatics to soothe our rapacious hearts
Fancying the irrational tenet of escaping our dagger-bearing Capulet-esque endings
An immortal stalemate that’s been infused into our subconscious kiss by kiss
The psychological dependence that fuels love’s existence
starring daggers through granite eyes
a sarcophagus of dead compassion filled
another skeleton for the overflowing coffin
sititched eyes caress forbidden flesh
seraphim stab wounds from the serpentine choir
forked tongued whispered nothings
an angel of slotted eyes sent to deliver the scribbled sulfuric lies
icy veins through frozen words will bleed for you no longer
i will bleed for you no longer
a magician's sword in her side
the welcomed coagulation around the nail in the simian's hand
yet another failed atempt at being the martyr
the act bleeds trasparently into a dried well of pity
where patience is a deceased forgiveness
hope he was worth it, hope he was worth us
feeling the once forgotten stinging familiarity scratching at the vaguely reminiscent scars
digging up the bones in the adulteress's closet eclipses the ever-dimming ray of hope
illuminating the delicately fallen petals of our wilting bouqet of razorblade roses
as the lies unfold, a true form is revealed
see you for what you are, swallow hard and open the wound again
forsake the world on the liar's pedestal
take satisfaction in the mask's virginal reflection
when the black hearted arrows of cupid's bow decompose
charred friendships will be the only remains
enjoy choking down the ashes of a purchased soul
love kills when it dies