Title: Promise
Play: Midsummer Night's Dream
Pairing/Characters: Robin Goodfellow (or Puck)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 165-(ish)
Prompt(s) Used: Honor
Summary: Puck reflects.
Author's Notes: I've always thought Puck had more depth to him. This is just one result.
Puck Reflects )
Comments 3
Favorite lines:
"He still jested and joked, and if his master (or mistress) asked, he still came to bed. He liked to watch the lovers (human and ass) especially, amuse their children, and muddle in town affairs, but he kept away (mostly). Unseen, and unheard.
He had his duty. He had promised, after all: and he - if he was nothing else - was an honorable Puck."
very nice ^_^
Thank you! *curtsies* Puck's always been one of my favorite characters, and I always believed he had a more serious, darker side to him than just shown to us in the play.
Glad you liked. :0) Thank you again!
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