Художник в Нотр-Дам-де-Пари. Католическая епархия заказала ему картину в память о святом Поле Чене. Вместе с двумя другими работами Инь Синя полотно было представлено и освещено 27 мая 2018 года во время крестного хода. Висящие в часовне, расположенной у входа в собор, слева, три картины чудом уцелели в результате апрельского пожара 2019 года, а затем хранились в Лувре. Что делает его единственным из ныне живущих художников, который может сказать, что его работа находится в Лувре, после того как он побывал в Нотр-Дам
“La Vierge et les enfants” 150x 127cm 2017. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Saint Paul Tchen (1838-1861), séminariste chinois du grand séminaire de Tsin-gay, né dans le Kouy-tchéou (Guizhou) décapité en 1861 et canonisé en 2000. Chapelle de la Sainte-Enfance de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, bas-côté Nord.
Born in China’s far-western province of Xinxiang, Yin Xin was only 7 years old when the Cultural Revolution in China began. The period of oppression and chaos that was to follow had a profound impact on the artist and he sought to take only qualifications from the social realism style he was driven into studying at Art College. Whilst painting endless still lives in class and watching his older peers graduate into propaganda graphic art and advertising, Yin Xin was strategising his way out into expressionism.
Yin Xin continues to explore his passion for China and its people through ‘Chinesifying’ traditionally western images and techniques.
Yin Xin 尹欣 was born in Kashgar, Xinjiang Province China.
He studied at the Xinjiang Normal school.
At the end of the cultural revolution, he joined the Academy of fine Arts in Xi'an.
He left China to study at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Art, in Australia .
He travelled around Europe and Asia for two years.
He settled permanently in Paris, France.. He opened his own gallery in Saint-Germain des Prés. His series After the Master, orientalizing the masterpieces of Western painting brought him success. Venus of the Orient participated in the Berlin Museum exhibition ( 2015 ) and in Botticelli reimaginated, at the V&A London ( 2016 )
2017 The Virgin and Child and Saint-Paul Tchen, two works commissioned by Notre-Dame of Paris, are permanently exposed in the cathedral.
He was the guest of honor of the 3rd Sacred Art Salon Paris.