What moves you to live?

Mar 17, 2004 14:38

What in this world is worth living for? It's an age old question that makes even the most knowledgable person think more than they would like. We think we know what we like, but when we get what we want then we want something else. As soon as we get that we find another thing, then another, and another that strikes our fancy. In the end, all ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hmm jane1010 March 19 2004, 11:22:26 UTC
almsot sounded like you had just watched "mona lisa smile"

either way... i took a test.. i agree... it says i am a (Teacher) Idealist. *^^* if that helps.


Re: hmm gaedheal_bard March 19 2004, 14:58:11 UTC
Ah, Mona Lisa Smile was a great movie. I'd like to believe I am a somewhat healthy mix of all of those. I know sometimes I tend to lean towards one more than the other because I become so engrossed in what I do. Soooooo, I guess overall I am all of them.


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