his_firecracker requested Buffy/Faith slash for International Femme Slash day and well...the mun is whipped. Putting it in Giles journal because that's just some funny shit. Giles will be out back...trying to kill himself.
Faith/Buffy= 200 words.
They will never be just friends.
They’ll fight, and shag and bleed and cut but they’ll never be just friends and how can they be? Buffy was given everything in the world; from the family to the Watcher, to the destiny and the boyfriends who will go to hell and back for her. Everything Faith has, she has to steal. She doesn’t mind neither. Her punches are always harder then Buffy’s, her kicks sharper because she wants the blood. She wants it all.
What she doesn’t guess, not at first- is that Buffy wants it too. She wants the pain, the wounds. The sharpness of each slice and the taste of iron in her mouth. Buffy will pull punches, and miss openings to give Faith just enough hope to think maybe this time- maybe, maybe- she can beat her. Take her down. Be number one. Faith wants that more than air; and Buffy gives it because she’s the only one that that can. Slayers understand each other. Like a second skin, and lover’s kiss. Like that last wound that will finally kill and end the darkness and the loneliness.
Buffy wants it.
And since when did anyone deny her anything?