Eeehhhh… eating the kitties. Eating kitties. Fiction. TV. Nothing is real. Butbutbut ... eating kitties?! Give me freaky ghosties/monsters any day, but don't eat the kitties!
Take the following as an eye roll and not all uptight offended. Easy, clichéd pot-shots at the vegans - where are these writers from? Good heavens, catch up writing people. Evolve.
I was all over the map with this ep. I disliked the chatting with the animals in the shelter thing, just because of the underlying reality. The scene with Sam giving the belly run and when Dean freed them saved the scene for me. Admittedly, I can't find humor in animals in shelters and the eventual euthanasia of an old dog - or younger ones. Even telling myself this is fiction - it's just too weird for me to laugh at.
Cheering the dogs on while they took the kitty-eating guy down - I probably should examine this, but won't - I loved the scene a lot.:)
So all this was mixed in with the very real appreciation of Sam and Dean's legs. Whether the jeans were just right (and those jeans looked good on them) I found myself plenty distracted by pretty.:)
I hope they don't carry the Sam has an angel inside him secret for the entire season. Big reveal over the mid season hiatus maybe? If they carry it out throughout the season Sam would have to be stupid and he's so far from that it'll lead to absurdity. What would be interesting? if Sam is figuring it out. Dean can't lie to him at all well and I'd like to stick with the belief this particular secret doesn't feel like the other secrets the Winchesters have kept form each other. Sam's reaction would be different, because they've grown beyond certain reactions. There would be thinking instead of reacting. A question or two. A super huge dose of understanding.
All that being said, I'm finding this situation far more interesting than I thought I would. So while I was all over the place with this one, I mostly enjoyed. Because it is fiction and no animals were really eaten.:)
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