Okay, so Carol did what she did. Rick did what he did. And it makes you think.
Do I agree with what Carol did? Yes and No.
Do I agree with what Rick did? Yes and No.
I love that it isn't easy to place blame on either one of these characters for the actions they took. They each had very real, understandable reasons for what they did.
Haven't said anything regarding this season. Grim. That pretty much goes without saying. The character dynamics are interesting. I'll take interesting over simple any day. If you can place one character in the wrong - more power to you. Okay, maybe the guy wanting his bottle so bad he never went over the edge - you know, I can't really blame him either. If I saw the decaying walking body mess every day, I'd probably be raiding every liquor store in the county. Even if I'd be closer to Daryl's reaction. (Not that I could pull of the forehead to forehead thing he did) One thing to mess with your own safety. Quite another with a group. Yet, I can sympathize with the alcoholic guy. Doesn't mean I'd want to keep him around.
But I like all these characters. What I really appreciated was how Rick and Carol parted. Because if there was one thing I found hard with Carol's attitude was her basically weeding out the weak from the strong. Those two kids - they were so eager to help, to please, but they needed some time and with Rick and Carol they should've had it. No, they shouldn't have to protect everyone, but who knows what an asset these kids would've had with the group? Could've easily been a drain on their resources too, but you just don't know. Still, there was anger between Rick and Carol, but there was a lot of hurting there too.
I'm so glad they didn't kill Carol off. Ultimately, I think Rick sending her off probably saves her life.
Competence. Gotta say the core group is hitting all my buttons for competence.
Side note: I'm all for raiding places for medicine, but I'm pretty sure I'd be going after the toilet paper too.
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