Such an excellent point! I wonder if losing her ego isn't the most significant punishment for her. But I don't think it's so much punishment as penance? It's not about her, it's about the people she helps?
*nods* Penance. Makes sense. If it is that, then William is the one suffering the punishment and there I go off on the tangent of 'why' him? I need to watch the eps again, but did William say Mara came up created the troubles? Her idea? Which totally fits in nicely with her loss of ego as the punishment and and if so, William for going along with it would rather fit his situation.
So who is the bigger power here deciding all this? Given they can make Mara forget, surely they could wipe out the troubles....
This is one of those deals where it isn't going to quite fit unless there's another season for me, but it's a nice mind game in the meantime.:)
Quite honestly this season went over my head. I don't know if it was because I lost interest or because I missed some key points along the way. I get Mara was really evil and she made up the troubles for fun. However there it gets murky for me. So supposedly someone bigger than William and Mara punished them both and it seems sent William away from Mara and then turned Mara "good" and made her help the people she hurt by giving them the troubles?? If that is the case then I agree... how is that punishment if she doesn't realize she used to be bad and is now being forced to be good?
I am waiting for the DVDs to come out so I can properly rewatch the season and try to make heads or tails of it. Of course we haven't heard about whether it will be renewed or not. If it's not renewed I will cry and then move on....
I need to rewatch. Honestly, I lost a some interest in Audrey's story and as much as I like CF, I became a little bored with William so I bet I missed some stuff.
killabeez brought up an interesting perceptive. Mara is serving more of a penance than punishment. Which brings me to - William is more the punished one at this point. And I could totally go around and around on this. Kind of a twisty little mind game. Get kind of stuck on the bigger power though. If they can do what they do, can't they fix the troubles?
One thing that didn't lose me this season - Nathan. Hotter than ever. :)
A friend and I were just talking about Haven today and we both came to the conclusion that we are over it. They have made it so that Mara/Audrey began all the troubles so how will we ever be able to look at her the same way. They needed to stick with what worked... a new trouble weekly, etc., but what they turned it into is a confusing mess if you ask me. I LOVE Nathan but not loving the blind love he has for Audrey anymore. It's a bit over the top. Ahhh well, it was awesome while it lasted but I just don't see it lasting much longer if at all. I will continue to watch if it is renewed to see how they climb out of this mess and to watch my new fav couple Duke/Jennifer but I am not into it like I was with this current storyline.
This They have made it so that Mara/Audrey began all the troubles so how will we ever be able to look at her the same way.I'm curious to see if they can. I agree the second half of the season became muddled.
I LOVE Nathan but not loving the blind love he has for Audrey anymore. It's a bit over the top. While his one track Audrey mind did get a little old - I understood it. Not being able to feel anyone, but Audrey I can see why he's so focused. Can't imagine how that would affect a person not to feel touch, pain, etc. Has to be damaging.
Duke/Jennifer. How totally adorable are they?! This relationship took me by surprise on how much I am enjoying it.
I really like Dwight too. I'd like to see more there. So hopefully, they get a season 5. It would be nice to see the series end stronger than this.
Something you said up there rung a bell in my mind. My thought is a high school science class based thought and I'm probably buggering up the exact wording but you said:
So who is the bigger power here deciding all this? Given they can make Mara forget, surely they could wipe out the troubles….
That jumped my mind to the fact that once something is created and that energy is out there, it can be changed in form or substance, but it can never truly be destroyed. So somehow Mara created these troubles and her penance (I love that, by the way! Much more fitting than punishment really!) is to help those people over and over and over again since that energy that she created and unleashed can't be destroyed.
You gave me the gleeful shivers! Gives the situation depth and took the simple (relatively speaking) out of it. It can't be undone. Changed, however? Heh... now that gives it a whole different look. The Audrey/Mara situation - it even moves it beyond the penance/punishment angle to something that has to be managed. And who can manage it but the one who created it, but wouldn't help people so they made her forget so it could be managed... omg - love this!
Yay for bell-ringing! :D I admit, I kinda got gleeful shivers too! Looking at it that way gives it sort of a different sheen. She did it, it can't be erased, and now she goes around and around chasing her tail trying to help the very people that she cursed. Hopeless, futile searching for an end that there can never be. That's some friggin' punishment right there, even though she really doesn't know it. Er, didn't know it.
Comments 9
So who is the bigger power here deciding all this? Given they can make Mara forget, surely they could wipe out the troubles....
This is one of those deals where it isn't going to quite fit unless there's another season for me, but it's a nice mind game in the meantime.:)
I am waiting for the DVDs to come out so I can properly rewatch the season and try to make heads or tails of it. Of course we haven't heard about whether it will be renewed or not. If it's not renewed I will cry and then move on....
killabeez brought up an interesting perceptive. Mara is serving more of a penance than punishment. Which brings me to - William is more the punished one at this point. And I could totally go around and around on this. Kind of a twisty little mind game. Get kind of stuck on the bigger power though. If they can do what they do, can't they fix the troubles?
One thing that didn't lose me this season - Nathan. Hotter than ever. :)
I LOVE Nathan but not loving the blind love he has for Audrey anymore. It's a bit over the top. While his one track Audrey mind did get a little old - I understood it. Not being able to feel anyone, but Audrey I can see why he's so focused. Can't imagine how that would affect a person not to feel touch, pain, etc. Has to be damaging.
Duke/Jennifer. How totally adorable are they?! This relationship took me by surprise on how much I am enjoying it.
I really like Dwight too. I'd like to see more there. So hopefully, they get a season 5. It would be nice to see the series end stronger than this.
So who is the bigger power here deciding all this? Given they can make Mara forget, surely they could wipe out the troubles….
That jumped my mind to the fact that once something is created and that energy is out there, it can be changed in form or substance, but it can never truly be destroyed. So somehow Mara created these troubles and her penance (I love that, by the way! Much more fitting than punishment really!) is to help those people over and over and over again since that energy that she created and unleashed can't be destroyed.
Did that make any sense at all?
You ring some interesting bells.:)
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