What mind-boggles about this show is how well it works. I love man out of time stories - especially if they look like Tom Mison. He can pull off the period costume even when he looked hot in skinny jeans - no easy feat. But seriously, this show shouldn't work and yet it does with believable ease. I wouldn't know if they have the mythology right or historical facts. I don't care. What I care about is what Ichabod and Abby are up to next. These two have that snappy chemistry that makes a seriously out there show work. This is where the characters carry it. Make me believe it even when I'm going 'they're going there? oh yeah, they're going there' and I'll pop another bowl of popcorn and enjoy. The main cast all have their stories and I'm interested in them all. There's the richness of character that makes a show for me and thank goodness it's been renewed. I also like this shorter season. It had to move and it did in all its cheesy, freaky charm.
But FALL 2014?! Always with the waiting.
And the fist bump killed me. Along with a whole lot of other stuff, but the fist bump.
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