The potential of paper 2

Mar 07, 2009 22:11

Guess what I made?

I used a modified version of Kawasaki's original rose here. I've done it a few times now, so I've made a few notes on this set of instructions.

5) Creases should go all the way to the inner square, but not into it. These will show up in the center of the rose.
7) Creases do not go all the way to the center line.
9) At the end of this step, I like to crease the 4 flaps around the square (seen in this image) to prepare for how it looks in this one.
12-13) Yes, go ahead and do these steps on each corner together as 13 will help keep step 12 from unfolding.
16) Fold what was the point in then fold corner over it. There should be no flap leftover.
17) Curling rather than creasing does look better, but the curve of the petals will pinch them eventually. I tried creasing the centermost tip and curling the rest, and that seems to work. Note that having the crease/curl too close to the other creases on that flap may cause ripping later on.
18) Lift the flap before folding.
19-20) Like 12-13, it's easier to do these together. Bigger flaps will make it easier for the flaps to stay when they're folded together, so I don't stuff the triangle all the way into their pockets.
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